
Asia Location and City Branding

Branding a nation, location or city in Asia is not just advertising. AsiaPac cities must develop a global reputation of creating and adding value and yet concurrently command emotional resonance as part of their unique selling proposition. Those which do not invest enough to build the relevant and visible brand equity will not be effectiveRead… Read more »

Web 2.0 creating multiple personality disorder?!

Loved Adam Arthur’s post just now about tools to manage social profiles, he suggests apps like ping.fm that have been very helpful and other new ones that I will have to try out. But this led me to a related question: How do you manage what “profile” to take on for any given tool /Read… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 06.15.2009

Monday, Monday! Some very good conversations and resources today. Enjoy. Caroline @WiiPigSooie WiiPigSooie Blog david_tallan: @shaneschick I think Gov 2.0 will make boundaries of government more porous to broader civic ecosystem incl. citizens #gov20 25 minutes ago from UberTwitter • Reply • View Tweet adrielhampton: Check out GovLoop today for short @GovFresh interviews with #Gov20Read… Read more »

Performance Management Analysis

Continuing our exercise in developing a performance management framework, a summary of the necessary steps for a successful program follows: 1. Report performance metric data on pre-defined schedule. 2. Analyze data for troubling trends or missed targets. Operationally research root cause of problems. 3. Provide corrective action for metrics where target was missed or dataRead… Read more »

Putting Thoughtful 2.0 in Gov 2.0

Twitter @kpkfusion As evidenced by the National Dialogue, Recovery.gov, data.gov and the Open Dialogue, government is “ramping up” for a feverish pace of Gov 2.0 adoption. But as also evidenced by early experiences (and failures) with Gov 2.0, are we as government and as a country doing the right thing, making the best decisions –Read… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Blog Potomac Part 3 (#blogpotomac)

8:15 am johnrhopkins: @scottmonty You are the only Social Media person in a company of 200k, how do you make time to speak at #blogpotomac ? 8:15 am mammaloves: For social media to succeed, you need support from senior leadership. Not just check PR box. (paraphrase) @scottmonty #blogpotomac 8:15 am 4GreenPs: @scottmonty Social media atRead… Read more »