
Past Performance Data and the Need to Change the Source Selection Paradigm

The GAO report entitled Better Performance Information Needed to Support Agency Contract Award Decisions (GAO-09-374), lays out a disturbing trend in government oversight and contract management that needs to be corrected on many levels if the government is to increase performance of federal contracts. As noted in the report, the typical information management problem ofRead… Read more »

Federal Web 2.0 Virtual Podium Series – Final Webinar of the Series – this Wednesday @1pm EDT!

In case you haven’t heard about the Young AFCEA Bethesda Chapter Federal 2.0 Webinar series, the final webinar to wrap up the series is this Wednesday @1pm EDT! The topic is – Diplomacy in the Information Age — Working Toward Enterprise 2.0 at the State Department Speakers include: * Bruce G. Burton, Senior Advisor, OfficeRead… Read more »

How not to do it: Public Transport Authority

This is a post from a personal eGov blog I started a while back, but never found the time to really devote to it. I’m going to start a semi-regular feature piece here, at the moment under a working title of how not to do it. I want to make it crystal clear from theRead… Read more »

Performance Management Reporting

In my previous post I outlined a 4 step process for a successful performance management program. to recap: 1. Report performance metric data on pre-defined schedule. 2. Analyze data for troubling trends or missed targets. Operationally research root cause of problems. 3. Provide corrective action for metrics where target was missed or data is trendingRead… Read more »

Social Portals. Why? How? When?

Should Facebook and other social portals—tools and networks designed to build social relationships and friendships be used as a primary means to formulate public policy? Are the social portals the right (and best) strategic approach to support the multiple roles and needs of government agencies — now and into the future? If we today promoteRead… Read more »

New book – What every intranet team should know

Republished from eGovAU. Step Two Designs has released the book, What every team should know written by James Robertson. The book is designed as a ‘quick start’ for intranet teams and provides practical advice on how to plan, design, manage and grow intranets. Combining over 13 years experience in intranets and building on the freeRead… Read more »

Agriculture and Health and Human Services team to “Beef up” the nation’s Food Safety System.

Last week I met with some of the folks down at AG’s Food Safety and Inspections Service and it became very clear the concern and rush to system modernization and information collaboration across agencies. The Food Safety Working Group(FSWG) is well on its way with the appointment of …..(dare I say) a “Food Czar” toRead… Read more »

I Choose Inspired

So, I took Don Jacobson’s advice and read Mario’s Blog Post Inspired Versus Required and came away with a my choice to inspire not only those around me, but to keep myself inspired as well. To continue to remind myself of our mission and to be the example of how not to be afraid ofRead… Read more »

Leading Without the Title

Would SUGGEST that this blog posting from the Harvard Business Review website has PERHAPS some usefulness across several groups… Author: Steven DeMaio Leading When You Don’t Have Formal Authority Whether you’re a manager, a frontline worker, or an independent contractor, at one time or another you’ve surely had to influence, or even improve, the performanceRead… Read more »