
How our Spy Community is Leading in Personnel Reform!

Watch this video that outlines one of our recent reports. Here is a summary: the Intelligence Community developed a “federated” approach to its human capital system under the authority of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004. This approach effectively balances the needs of the community with those of individual agencies. Unlike theRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Interior Dept. Bungles Passport Records

The Interior Department’s inspector general has found widespread mishandling and tracking of highly valuable passports issued to department officials traveling overseas, alleging that in numerous instances employees violated federal privacy laws. Several expired passports could not be accounted for and inspectors also could not locate the passports once issued to Interior Secretary Gale Norton andRead… Read more »

The Dark Side of Web 2.0

We have to get involved in Web 2.0! Hurry, we have to start planning for our rollout strategy for Web 3.0, whatever the hell that is. Or maybe we have to stop and think about things a bit. Social networks are fun, conferring with our peers can be enlightening and informative. However a major questionRead… Read more »

Stocks or Bonds?

Good morning. It’s your weekly dose of TSP Talk. Stocks or Bonds? The good news from last week was that after some late selling on Friday afternoon, the S&P 500 did manage to end the week up about 0.5%. The bad news was that it started the week with a +3% rally on Monday, butRead… Read more »

A Public Sector Performance Management Methodology

Performance management and measurement have taken on a number of different meanings with regard to application in the public sector. In some cases it’s regarded strictly as data reporting and in others it takes on a more qualitative form. It may be useful to start a dialogue on coming up with an actionable, consolidated setRead… Read more »

Federal Cloud Computing Heating Up !

(Previously published on “Cloud Musings“) As fellow blogger Reuven Cohen mentions in his post, Federal cloud computing is indeed heating up: Vivek Kundra held a US Federal Government Cloud Computing Summit yesterday The Federal CIO Council is officially studying effective uses of cloud computing According to Network World, an INPUT study places Federal spend onRead… Read more »

Focusing on Acquisition Reform: Workforce First

The much anticipated Smart Contracting Caucus met this week for the first time since being created over a year ago by former House Oversight and Government Reform ranking member Tom Davis, (R-VA). The intent of the Caucus was to consider thoughtful federal procurement reform by having a type of 360-review of issues facing the contractingRead… Read more »

President Obama’s 2010 Budget Highlights Cloud Computing

President Obama’s 2010 Budget (pp. 157-158) has highlighted cloud computing as a key tool for improving innovation, efficiency and effectiveness in Federal IT. ” Cloud-computing is a convenient, on-demand model for network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released withRead… Read more »