
The Future of Search Engines?

The debut of Wolfram/Alpha, a computational knowledge engine, perhaps provides a glimpse of what is to come, with respect to the future of search engines. Wolfram/Alpha not only displays data graphically, unlike traditional search engines, but also displays data relationships to what is being queried. In it’s current state Wolfram/Alpha may not displace Google anytimeRead… Read more »

SES Horizons: The Constitution and Contemporary Public Sector Leadership

This seminar provides an unrivaled opportunity to step back from day-to-day demands, to explore and better understand the unique, demanding, and ultimately rewarding milieu in which SES members operate and seek to excel. Splitting time between FEI’s Charlottesville campus and Montpelier, the home of President James Madison, father of the Constitution, seminar participants will heightenRead… Read more »

Leadership for a Global Society

As a Federal leader, you must address the international implications of nearly every major issue you face. Whether you’re working on trade or transportation, law enforcement or land management, education or the exploration of space, global considerations influence the decisions you make. In the Leadership for a Global Society program, you will assess the roleRead… Read more »

SES Leadership Horizons Program “Lost” For Leaders: Leadership in Chaos and Crisis

In times of chaos and crisis, even the best leaders can falter and fail. Leadership success and survival in perilous and tumultuous circumstances improve dramatically when we have considered in advance our reactions to stress, planned to handle those responses with resilience, envisioned effective team leadership, and practiced decision making under pressure. Few leadership cohortsRead… Read more »

SES Leadership Horizons: The Executive Zenith

Executive excellence results from the ability to create a resourceful and positive state of mind while wrestling with the myriad of leadership challenges that entangle members of the Senior Executive Service. Achieving leadership performance at the highest level possible –the zenith of one’s ability – is even more pressing and demanding as public servants striveRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Lawmakers Decry DHS Swine Flu Policy

Lawmakers blasted the Department of Homeland Security today for not formalizing the use of protective face masks by employees working along the U.S.-Mexico border during the recent swine flu outbreak, suggesting the department has placed bureaucratic considerations ahead of the health and safety of its own workers. Homeland Security Undersecretary for Management Elaine C. DukeRead… Read more »

CFO Academy Executive Seminar on The Recovery Act: New Transparancy Environment

Paul Posner, Director of the Public Administration Program at George Mason Univ and President of the American Society of Public Administration discussed the management challenges of sending money (the stimulus funds) through the Federal to State and Local government grantinging channels. Lots of built in accountability problems requiring trust in the state or county stakeholders.Read… Read more »

This could happen to You

I’m posting an additional blog this week asking for some advice from all you fine folks on GovLoop for a friend of mine. He too is a government employee of long standing. He works in an agency known as a dumping ground for outgoing political appointees who now need government jobs and unfortunately he isRead… Read more »