
Federal Eye: Lawmakers Decry DHS Swine Flu Policy

Lawmakers blasted the Department of Homeland Security today for not formalizing the use of protective face masks by employees working along the U.S.-Mexico border during the recent swine flu outbreak, suggesting the department has placed bureaucratic considerations ahead of the health and safety of its own workers. Homeland Security Undersecretary for Management Elaine C. DukeRead… Read more »

CFO Academy Executive Seminar on The Recovery Act: New Transparancy Environment

Paul Posner, Director of the Public Administration Program at George Mason Univ and President of the American Society of Public Administration discussed the management challenges of sending money (the stimulus funds) through the Federal to State and Local government grantinging channels. Lots of built in accountability problems requiring trust in the state or county stakeholders.Read… Read more »

This could happen to You

I’m posting an additional blog this week asking for some advice from all you fine folks on GovLoop for a friend of mine. He too is a government employee of long standing. He works in an agency known as a dumping ground for outgoing political appointees who now need government jobs and unfortunately he isRead… Read more »

Why do we call it “Identity Management”?

I am an Engineer; I try to call things by names that don’t mislead people. The market is flooded with products calling themselves “Identity Management” (IdM) solutions. I have a real problem with that language. What system can manage my identity? Many systems exist that can and do manage the credentials and artifacts that provideRead… Read more »

Project of the Week – Federal Acquisition Innovation and Reform Institute

The Federal Acquisition Innovation and Reform (FAIR) Institute, a nonpartisan and nonprofit organization, was recently launched by Raj Sharma, President and CEO of Censeo Consulting Group and Dr. Allan Burman, President of Jefferson Solutions within Jefferson Consulting Group . FAIR was created to work with key constituencies to promote a federal acquisition system that continuallyRead… Read more »

PART 1 – W3C eGov Note: Improving Access to Government through Better Use of the Web

Cross-posted from my design blog. Today the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) eGovernment Interest Group published a Note which is the culmination of their first year of analysis on the history, current state, and hopeful future of eGovernment. Entitled Improving Access to Government through Better Use of the Web, the document serves as a greatRead… Read more »

Can we use crowdsourcing to reshape democracy?

Republished from eGovAU. Beth Noveck, director of President Obama’s open government initiative, said in a recent essay, Our institutions of governance are characterized by a longstanding culture of professionalism in which bureaucrats – not citizens – are the experts. Until recently, we have viewed this arrangement as legitimate because we have not practically been ableRead… Read more »

Green IT Best Practices

This newsletter focuses on Green IT and the growing awareness that governments, businesses, and nongovernmental organizations need to better manage their use of technology in an environmentally responsible manner. As large purchasers of electronic products and services, they have an opportunity, and a responsibility, to provide leadership through environmentally sound practices and cost-effective, life-cycle managementRead… Read more »

GovLoop Member of Week – I.J. Ezeonwuka

I.J. Ezeonwuka is one of my favorite people in public service. I first met her when I co-founded Young Government Leaders and she was an integral part of the team that took a 50 person happy hour group to a 501(c)(3) non-profit with thousands of members across the country. When I developed GovLoop, she wasRead… Read more »