
SECAF Eexecutive Forum

The contracting activity sector in the Department of Homeland Security has 22 departments. Seven of which were intact at the start of the organization. There are 3 major oversight agencies in the department that perform quality control to ensure the integrity of the department. Ms. Correa noted that OPO’s mission is simple, they don’t takeRead… Read more »

VistA makes another toehold in the outside world

Some of you already know that VistA adoption has spawned several companies using the open source business model – i.e. take a free product and make money by offering installation, customization and support for the base product. One such player is MedSphere, offering VistA support services. There is another instance of a significant VistA adoptionRead… Read more »

Important Report on Latest Trends in Federal Proposal Management

There are trends and drivers in government proposals that companies need to know about to acquire and maintain a winning edge. People have to either keep up with the trends in the fast-changing government contracting market, or get out of the game altogether because their chances of winning go down exponentially. I put together aRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: DHS Issues ‘Interim’ Swine Flu Guidelines

The Department of Homeland Security has issued new interim guidelines to employees who may come in contact with travelers who have contracted swine flu. The instructions follow requests that DHS allow workers to wear protective masks made by the union that represents Customs and Border Protection and Transportation Security Administration employees . A memo obtainedRead… Read more »

GovLoop Member of the Week – Lauren Modeen

This week I was able to pick the brain of IT Queen and super active GovLooper, Lauren Modeen! She took some time to chat and I ended up with one awesome interview! Thanks Lauren! Enjoy! 1. What do you do exactly at Computech? Aha – – what do I do exactly at Computech…a solid openingRead… Read more »

Changing Washington: Obama’s First 100 Days

On his first day in office, President Obama began acting on his campaign promise to “change the way Washington does business.” His first directive to agencies articulated a set of principles of how he wants the government to do its business: more transparency in how government does it work, more citizen participation via the Internet,Read… Read more »

Government Employees Teleworking?

Interesting article below, it asks if govt workers are ready to telework (article raises the question in light of swine flu developments…) Having just returned yesterday from Guadalajara, Mexico — where I teleworked for GovPartner and saw first hand the tremendous effect a potential epidemic like this would have on our daily activities — theRead… Read more »

Cheap Training Tip #2: A Picture is Worth a Bunch of Words

What’s your Leadership Brand? I used this activity mid-way through a leadership program to give participants an opportunity to evaluate their strengths and leadership qualities. The premise is simple: each of us has a unique “brand” or style of leadership. Of course what we may “think” our style of leadership is and what others seeRead… Read more »

Highlights of the Federal Virtual Worlds Consortium Conference April 23-24

1. Most business happens outside of meetings. Virtual worlds increase serendipitous meetings that would not happen on video conference, webinars, teleconferences etc… 2. New Value Proposition Web 1.0 Access/find Web 2.0 share/participate/collaborate Web 3.0 co-create 3. Co-creation is the most experiential 4. Virtual Worlds provide a Cohesion of Presence (Herbeck) – this is why weRead… Read more »