
President Obama’s 2010 Budget Highlights Cloud Computing

President Obama’s 2010 Budget (pp. 157-158) has highlighted cloud computing as a key tool for improving innovation, efficiency and effectiveness in Federal IT. ” Cloud-computing is a convenient, on-demand model for network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released withRead… Read more »

What does ‘transparent’ mean for government?

Republished from eGovAU. eGovernment, or government 2.0, is often discussed as a means to create greater transparency in government. However has there been a clear definition of what transparency really means for government in Australia? At the furthest extreme transparency would be like living in a glass house with glass furniture – everyone could seeRead… Read more »

How E-Government is Changing Society and Strengthening Democracy

This newsletter highlights many of the ground-breaking ways Information Technology is being used to transform government-citizen interaction. The newsletter brings to light exciting new ways Federal, state, local and international governments, industry, and non-profits are making government processes more accessible and expanding citizen participation in public policy decision-making. http://www.scribd.com/doc/15091226/How-EGovernment-is-Changing-Society-and-Strengthening-Democracy-

The Future of Search Engines?

The debut of Wolfram/Alpha, a computational knowledge engine, perhaps provides a glimpse of what is to come, with respect to the future of search engines. Wolfram/Alpha not only displays data graphically, unlike traditional search engines, but also displays data relationships to what is being queried. In it’s current state Wolfram/Alpha may not displace Google anytimeRead… Read more »

SES Horizons: The Constitution and Contemporary Public Sector Leadership

This seminar provides an unrivaled opportunity to step back from day-to-day demands, to explore and better understand the unique, demanding, and ultimately rewarding milieu in which SES members operate and seek to excel. Splitting time between FEI’s Charlottesville campus and Montpelier, the home of President James Madison, father of the Constitution, seminar participants will heightenRead… Read more »

Leadership for a Global Society

As a Federal leader, you must address the international implications of nearly every major issue you face. Whether you’re working on trade or transportation, law enforcement or land management, education or the exploration of space, global considerations influence the decisions you make. In the Leadership for a Global Society program, you will assess the roleRead… Read more »