
Digital etiquette – are government agencies adequately prepared to engage appropriately online?

Republished from eGovAU. Etiquette is important in every form of social engagement. When Australians meet others for the first time we exchange names, shake hands and make light conversation before getting down to the main topic of conversation. Other cultures have different social etiquette. Many hug or kiss cheeks on first meeting, exchange business cardsRead… Read more »

A “Network Perspective”

“Build Community!” “Social Media” “Twitter!” “Facebook” – the battle cries of a new generation in business, government and media. But what do these demands mean? What practical impact do they have? Intuitively, we know that many people together are stronger than few people acting alone. Yet, in most walks of life we live in aRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Napolitano Comments on ‘Right Wing Extremist’ Report

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano responded today to widespread criticism of a leaked domestic intelligence report that warns local law enforcement agencies to be on guard for right-wing extremist groups seeking new recruits amid the nation’s economic troubles. “Let me be very clear: we monitor the risks of violent extremism taking root here in theRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Bo the Dog’s DOT Connections

In arguably the most unusual example of kissing up to the big boss, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood is highlighting his agency’s connections to Bo the Dog, the new First Pup. The dog is “truly a cute and energetic addition to the thriving Obama household,” LaHood writes in his “Fast Lane” blog. “Turns out that youngRead… Read more »

New Forms of KM

I have a set of links to what I call new forms of Knowledge Management, available via a “web tour”, starting at: http://www.agglom.com/webslideshow/1873/New_forms_of_KM. (NOTE: Just use the arrow keys at the top of the page to move from link to link.) Some of the links are technologies, some approaches to managing KM, etc. I alsoRead… Read more »

Project of the Week – DoDTechipedia and DefenseSolutions.gov

The birth and evolution of DoDTechipedia and DefenseSolutions.gov is a fascinating and multi-faceted story. It begins in the DoD CIO’s office, travels to the Hill and through the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (AT&L). In support of our national security, each of these entities were trying solve different,Read… Read more »

Federal Eye: Holder Defends DOJ Following Stevens Dismissal

In his first television interview since taking office, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. defended the integrity and mission of the Justice Department today and said it will continue to prosecute political figures when necessary, despite a federal judge’s dismissal of the conviction of former senator Ted Stevens. “History has shown that the people whoRead… Read more »

Getting started with Twitter in Australian government

Republished from eGovAU. Twitter has emerged as a significant channel for breaking news, announcement and discussions on political, social, environmental and commercial topics. Over the last three years the service has grown to over 25 million users globally, including many senior business, political and entertainment figures. In fact it’s been the fastest growing online channel,Read… Read more »