
Centralized Vs. Decentralized Organizations: The Starfish and The Spider

I just got done reading the book The Stafish and the Spider for one of my grad school classes on technology and knowledge management and a few thoughts came to mind… I intially really appreicated the vivid examples that the authors discussed in providing context for what a “starfish” vs. a “spider” looks like. ForRead… Read more »

How to Initiate and Implement a Right-of-Way Program

Here’s an upcoming APWA course that GovLoop members who are involved in the transportation, civil engineering, or utility function of government may want to attend. It is very timely given the stimulus funding for infrastructure improvements. “Right-of-way…your way or the highway. Are you in control of your right-of-way? Do telecoms drill through your sewer manholes?Read… Read more »

Cycling Risk Management

The air felt a bit fresher yesterday. The wind in my hair was more invigorating. I felt more in touch with the sounds of the world around me. Had the weather really changed that much? Then I realized that I had forgotten to put on my bicycle helmet. Suddenly, the fog that was cool againstRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Earl Devaney’s Recommended Reading

Earl Devaney has a bookmark for reporters: Recovery.gov. “My vision here is that every reporter in America will wake up and click on this site and be looking for problems. They’ve already started, by the way,” he told city and county officials yesterday during a meeting at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. Devaney, chairman ofRead… Read more »

Join the Conversation…Be the Conversation. Is Twitter Fueling Innovation?

Yesterday in my journey into the twittersphere I highlighted 3 observations that I find most appealing about the micro-blogging site. To summarize all three in one thought, I see Twitter as providing users a constant flow of interest-tailored mind-castings, a living discussion forum, and a place to take a penny and leave a penny. I’veRead… Read more »

Transformation of DOD’s Business Systems

The Department of Defense launched an ambitious effort to transform its vast network of back office mission support systems in 2001. It has since invested large amounts of funding in the effort. What progress has the initiative achieved to date? What has been its impact? Should the new Administration continue the existing effort, terminate it,Read… Read more »

Federal Eye: Suggested Questions for Gary Locke

Some thought this day might never come! Today the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee will hold a confirmation hearing for former Washington Gov. Gary Locke (D), President Obama’s third pick to serve as commerce secretary. The former county executive, who in recent years has worked on China and energy issues for a Seattle-area lawRead… Read more »

What form should a government blog take?

Republished from eGovAU. There’s an excellent and very active discussion over at Adriel Hampton’s blog regarding, Templating a Government 2.0 Blog. The discussion ranges beyond the pure technical and moderation challenges of establishing a blog (which are very easy to overcome) and into the mindset of government. In fact my view of the discussion isRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Kaplan Named OPM General Counsel

Elaine Kaplan will serve as one of President Obama’s lead advisors on federal human resource issues in her new role as general counsel of the Office of Personnel Management. The agency’s acting director, Kathie Ann Whipple, appointed her to the job today, calling her “uniquely qualified” to serve OPM. Currently a senior deputy counsel atRead… Read more »

Update to the IT Strategy member group

Originally, my intent was for the IT Strategy group to be for government employees only. This was due to legal requirements that strategic plans be written by government employees. I’ve been re-thinking this and decided today that I’d open the group up to everyone on Govloop. My agency has a specific group dedicated to developingRead… Read more »