
Employee Performance Evaluations

I recently read the following, and thought I would share a little humor… Enjoy! ——————————————————————————– Quotes taken from actual (U.S.) Federal Employee Performance Evaluations ——————————————————————————– 1. “Since my last report, this employee has reached rock bottom and has started to dig.” 2. “I would not allow this employee to breed.” 3. “This employee is notRead… Read more »

Re-blog of Social Media Overview from my LinkedIn Group

I posted the following to LinkedIn and thought that this would be a good place to re-blog it….appreciate feedback. Social media consists of tools like FaceBook, Ning.com , LinkedIn, Plaxo, and Twitter, to name a few. These and many other web-based tools are known as Web 2.0. Web 2.0 also includes Google and all itsRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Challenges Await Sebelius at HHS

President Obama will nominate Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius (D) today as secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, a job originally offered to former Senate majority leader Tom Daschle, who withdrew last month due to issues with back taxes. Experts suggest that in addition to the administration’s health care reform efforts, Sebelius, 60,Read… Read more »

Federal Eye: ‘Liberal Leave’ for D.C.-Area Federal Offices

Washington, D.C.-area federal offices will operate today under “liberal leave” or “unscheduled leave” and delayed arrival status, meaning employees who cannot make it to work can request off, or should otherwise arrive to work no more than two hours later than normal, according to the Office of Personnel Management. The decision comes as school districtsRead… Read more »

TransparencyCamp: 97 Tweets from 100 Pages of History

I couldn’t make it to TransparencyCamp, but it sounded fabulous. I did wade through 100 pages of Twitter Search history (as much as it keeps). Here’s what I came up with, for what it’s worth. Unlike my other summaries, while this is in chronological order, more or less, the fact that there were a lotRead… Read more »

Who is Responsible for Leadership Development?

In many agencies there is disagreement over who is responsible for leadership development. In some organizations, responsibility for leadership development is delegated to HR. In others, leadership development is viewed as the domain of trainers. In yet other organizations, employees expect the agency’s senior leadership to take the lead. They are all right—to a point.Read… Read more »

Andrew Krzmarzick! – Featured Govloop Member

Andrew Krzmarzick is a Senior Project Manager at the Graduate School, USDA. I met him on govloop and I asked him to be our featured member because I see him leading the effort to make government better using social media tools. Quietly, (if that is possible with twitter and blogging,) I see Andrew one classRead… Read more »

Back Office

I’m based in an administrative support office for two bureaus of the State Department. I suspect that I could make good use of Web 2.0 functionality in providing guidance and information on administrative issues to my colleagues who do programs and policy, but the models I find are focused on serving external customers. So IRead… Read more »

Can Government Procurement Be Streamlined By Using Collaboration Technologies and Social Media?

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. Author’s note: this is a republication from the author’s web site located here. The report Six Practical Steps to Improve Contracting by Dr. Allan V. Burman, Adjunct Professor, George Mason University, is based on a series of discussions co-sponsored by The IBM Center for the Business of Government and GeorgeRead… Read more »