
What Does ‘Transparency’ Really Mean?

At CGI Federal, where I now work as a “thought leadership” editor, we’ve been mulling the meaning of transparency lately. Current parlance seems to have it meaning things like posting legislation and regulations for comment, posting videos of speeches and directions via YouTube or other such services, agencies getting on Twitter. All sorts of public-facingRead… Read more »

Lessons from Diplopedia: As tweeted at the Social Media for Government Conference in Ottawa today

This is another easy blog entry. I’ve just scanned through the Twitter stream emerging from a conference session, removing duplication, so that we sitting at our desks can reap the highlights of what was said. Let me know what you think of the concept and the format. In this session, Bruce Burton presented on Diplopedia,Read… Read more »

Federal Eye: Long-Serving Interior Staff Take Stage With Obama

Several long-serving Interior Department staffers sat on stage behind Michelle Obama during her visit to department headquarters today. Their names and years of service are listed below: Michael Smith, Bureau of Indian Affairs – 48 years Gloria Mora, Bureau of Indian Affairs – 42 years Barbara Davis, Bureau of Indian Affairs – 46 years ThelmaRead… Read more »

The Guide – Helping the New Administration Succeed in Washington

This is a short and to the point document that focuses on management in Washington. Here are the first two paragraphs of the 11 page document. The transition from campaign to governing requires that presidential policies be transformed from rhetoric into an actionable agenda and then into concrete results. Neither good policies nor sound investmentsRead… Read more »

Open and Innovative Government – Enabling Collaboration

New GovLoop Group – Enabling Collaboration: Open and Innovative Government “I direct the Chief Technology Officer, in coordination with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Administrator of General Services, to coordinate the development by appropriate executive departments and agencies, within 120 days, of recommendations for an Open Government Directive,Read… Read more »

National Academy’s Collaboration Project: Top 3 Tech/Innovation Priorities for President Obama

President Obama has called for government to become more transparent, participatory, and collaborative. The National Academy’s Collaboration Project has issued a paper highlighting three priorities that the new President must focus on to make this vision a reality. The paper, Enabling Collaboration: Three Priorities for the New Administration, encourages the President to: Create an openRead… Read more »

Australia government adopts Gershon’s recommendations

How should government spend on ICT? Australia has decided to implement in full the recommendations of Sir Peter Gershon UK Treasury’s former Chief Executive. Engaged in April this year, Sir Peter Gershon UK Treasury’s former Chief Executive has performed an independent review of the Australian Government’s management of information and communication technology (ICT). The reportRead… Read more »

A social meeting to take the breath of entrepeneurship environment of Barcelona.

The DAY OF THE ENTREPRENEUR is the biggest annual meeting for entrepreneurs and support services for entrepreneurship and business growth in Barcelona. Over two days, the DAY OF THE ENTREPRENEUR brings together, around a widely varied and multi-format programme of activities, more than 5,500 entrepreneurs with business ideas, high level managers and decision-makers, the protagonistsRead… Read more »

The Hokie Guru! Matthew Stephen Worner – GovLoop Member of the Week

The interview below is with Matthew Stephen Worner (GovLoop’s Bureaucrat on Sports, the Hokie Guru). Matthew was one of the inaugural bloggers on GovLoop. My appreciation is great and sincere for Matthew taking the time to do this interview. Where were you born and raised? I’m from Mayville, North Dakota, which is about 60 minutesRead… Read more »

Slumdog Millionaire is the Movie of the Year and the Super Bowl Pick

The Hokie Guru hasn’t posted much as of late because he’s back in another accounting class (and his last one). The Hokie Guru is trying to convert to the auditor job series (Office of Personnel Management qualifications right here) in the federal government. Let’s get right to it… the Hokie Guru’s favorite movie this yearRead… Read more »