
Joe the Senator

So the vote is in and it looks as if Joe Lieberman will keep his chairmanship of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Of course he loses his seat on the Environment and Public Works Committee. I’m not sure yet how I feel about this. Lieberman, like anyone, should be allowed to support anyRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: What Would You Do? Adapting YouTube, Facebook and MySpace to Governing

One of the first things The Eye learned as he began his new beat is that many federal workers have felt undervalued, under-appreciated and frustrated in recent years about the lack of innovation and creativity allowed in the workplace. “Front-line employees have a really good idea of how to do the work of the federalRead… Read more »

USMS Tagline

A survey is being conducted to help select a tagline for the new US Measurement System Office. The tagline options are: 1) Enabling Measurement Solutions Beyond Measure 2) Where Measurement Solutions and Innovation Converge 3) Where Measurement Science and Innovation Converge 4) Powering the Engine of Innovation 5) The Resarcher’s Innovation Toolkit 6) The MeasurementRead… Read more »

Barack Obama’s Agenda for E-governance: Open Government is Its Main Plank But What About the Roadblocks?

Barack Obama’s Agenda for E-governance: Open Government is Its Main Plank But What About the Roadblocks? by Dr D.C.Misra* All eyes are on the U.S.President-elect Barack Obama, who will assume the charge of his office on January 20, 2009. He has also set an ambitious agenda for e-governance. Obama has very successfully used information technologyRead… Read more »

Five Challenges Government Faces When Adopting Web 2.0

By Dennis D. McDonald In these heady days of transition, as we think about ways to improve government, it’s temping to over-sell the benefits of “Web 2.0.” I personally believe in Web 2.0 tools and techniques and how they can support what I call the Three C’s of Web 2.0: Collaboration, Content, and Communication. JustRead… Read more »

“311: The Next Wave”/ We’ve released our report and have a webcast tee-d up with Steve Goldsmith next week

Pleased to share our new report from Harvard’s Leadership for a Networked World Program, “311/The Next Wave: Nine Imperatives for Leadership of 311-Enabled Govt.” We brought 20 leaders of 311programs together earlier this year — business, technical, political folk – to explore the issues and opportunities ahead. This report rocks (ok, well, I wrote it,Read… Read more »

Leadership Lessons from the Election

As the election craze passes us by and we anticipate a massive transition within the walls our agencies, it’s nice to pause and reflect on what leadership lessons we can take from our new president elect and his campaign. Check out this blog from Scott Eblin, author and Executive coach, on Obama’s leadership: http://scotteblin.typepad.com/blog/2008/11/barack-the-community-organizer.html

Organising by Value or for Events but not around Resources or Functions

As we move steadily into understanding that Technologies of Web 2.0, and some others are going to have a profound impact on ‘how’ we are all working and managing there is beginning to be more and more material around on business architecture http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_architecture the noble art of understanding how a business is organised in termsRead… Read more »

Network society is lagging in citizen participation in policy decision-making in local government, finds a new study

In his crossnational analysis of the impact of online citizen participation on local government decision-making, Jensen (2008: 25) has reported that the network society is lagging when it comes to citizen participation in policy decision-making. (n=348 elected local government officials in 316 randomly selected municipalities in the United States). Check his full paper.* Dr D.C.MisraRead… Read more »

IBM Center Launches Transition Resources

Next week, we’ll know who the next President will be. And he’ll have to hit the ground running to deal with the mega-challenges he’ll face. His first task will be to put in place his team of executives to run agencies that oftentimes dwarf even Fortune 50 companies. How do they get up to speed?Read… Read more »