
Is micromanagement killing Generation X/Y?

This blog was originally published by John, the Chief Information Security Officer for Young Government Leaders, on the YGL website: http://www.younggovernmentleaders.org/blog.htm Is micromanagement killing generation X/Y? “The best executive is one who has sense enough to pick good people to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them whileRead… Read more »

Rule #6: “Most meetings contain a very high % of “Mental Masturbation” which can be significantly reduced by the chair creating and following and agenda”

Rule #6: “Most meetings contain a very high % of “Mental Masturbation” which can be significantly reduced by the chair creating and following and agenda” For 25 years peers, bosses, subordinates and my wife have tried to convince me to eliminate the term “mental masturbation” from my vocabulary. I continue to use it not forRead… Read more »

How Can Community Based Social Media Support the Next Census?

How Can Community Based Social Media Support the Next Census? By Dennis D. McDonald A recent AP article titled Census: Big Brother anxieties could hurt count reports official concern that the next US census is threatened by public anxiety about government activities such as immigration control and anti-terrorism measures. This made me wonder how theRead… Read more »

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

On the surface I maintain a fairly cynical take on congress. Whether it’s the republicans or the democrats in office, it always seems like it’s just way to difficult to get anything done. That’s what I say on the surface. Underneath that outspoken cynical face, I’m just a small town California girl. I try andRead… Read more »

YGL – Where Does the Time Go?

Where does the time go? For many of us young, multi-tasking, information-saturated, new-to-government leaders, the answer probably includes part work, part play, and part procrastination (in fact, isn’t that how the whole blogosphere got started in the first place?) If you have a case of the pokes and can’t seem to focus on the taskRead… Read more »

Immigration Policy

From http://mpa4hire.blogspot.com : The difference between enforcement and economic immigration reform is the same as the difference between symbolic and substantive issues. The symbolic enforcement represents tens of billions of dollars being used with little concern for its efficacy (“Controlling Unauthorized Immigration”, IPC) in order to express tough, popular rhetoric. It isn’t about resources, it’sRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 and The Rise of Informal Networks

Recently I wrote this post that was featured on the Wikinomics blog. I thought I would share it and cross post it here as well. ——————————————- It’s official – Gov 2.0 is here to stay. From nGenera’s Gov 2.0: Wikinomics, Government and Democracy, project, NAPA’s Collaboration Project, and Mashable’s recent Gov 2.0 column, a lotRead… Read more »

Arrogance, Confidence, and Insecurity

“The moment you think of yourself as great, your slide toward mediocrity will have already begun,” Jim Collins. “Wisest is he who knows what he doesn’t know.” Plato I read these quotes the other day and I really like them both. I think mainly because it is an interesting time for my career as forRead… Read more »