
Rule #4: Little Transfer of skills or knowledge occurs when the boss makes all the decisions.

Most individuals’ rise within an organization based on their proven track record; that is after all the basis of “merit promotion”. Therefore, most first line managers are selected based on their technical skill and often succeed in their first management position by exercising their superior technical knowledge rather then developing management skills. My own experienceRead… Read more »

What’s the Matter with Kansas?

It’s good to be back after a few weeks on the road. I knew my trip to Kansas would provide fodder for the blog. First, I’ll admit it: I am a latte-drinking, coastal-living (until recently), blue-state elitist. But every time I go on an obligatory trip to the “heartland” (and obligatory is the only reasonRead… Read more »

What Employers Can Learn From the Principles of Olympism

In watching coverage of the games last evening, my wife and I were discussing the overwhelming complexity involved in managing and deploying the Olympics. With so many nations each carrying such unique agendas and goals, what overarching principles are applied to such a multifaceted assembly? What procedures are in place to ensure proper philosophical governanceRead… Read more »

Poll Results – On the Fence Regarding Public Service Academy

I closed the poll for the latest survey question: “What’s Your Opinion of the U.S. Public Service Academy” The results look like this: 13.0% Best Idea Ever 39.1% Better Than Most Ideas 21.7% Not Really Necessary 26.1% Big Waste of Money It’s a pretty interesting breakdown. Basically it’s a 50/50 split on whether people thinkRead… Read more »

Government Service Offers Opportunities In a Period of Economic Uncertainty

Another great note from our series of cross-posts from Young Government Leaders. If you haven’t joined already, sign up. Check out the original post at: http://www.younggovernmentleaders.org/blog.htm ———- Over the past few weeks, the news has been dominated by reports of economic decline. Even if American exports are up due to a weak U.S. dollar, itRead… Read more »

Federal News Radio

I’m often amazed and surprised by the stuff I find during Google searches for something completely different. Today, my serendipitous find was Federal News Radio. This Internet/AM radio station broadcasts online at FederalNewsRadio.com. FederalNewsRadio.com was founded in Februrary, 2000. It was apparently the first internet-only, all-news radio station. It is also the first internet radioRead… Read more »

Leadership: The Next Generation

After reflecting on my Machiavelli post, it suddenly occurred to me that the perfect example of the differing leadership styles was encapsulated in an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. (Oh yeah, we’re gonna put the geek in Geek Chick.) In a two-part episode entitled “Chain of Command,” Captain Picard is reassigned to aRead… Read more »

Presidential Transition 2008

Just joined GovLoop at the recommendation of Steve Kelman! Looks like this is a long-needed forum for public sector employees and I’m interested in helping bring both content and connections. The IBM Center for The Business of Government offers thought leadereship resources for government managers on a wide range of topics. It commissions research fromRead… Read more »