
Government Service Offers Opportunities In a Period of Economic Uncertainty

Another great note from our series of cross-posts from Young Government Leaders. If you haven’t joined already, sign up. Check out the original post at: http://www.younggovernmentleaders.org/blog.htm ———- Over the past few weeks, the news has been dominated by reports of economic decline. Even if American exports are up due to a weak U.S. dollar, itRead… Read more »

Federal News Radio

I’m often amazed and surprised by the stuff I find during Google searches for something completely different. Today, my serendipitous find was Federal News Radio. This Internet/AM radio station broadcasts online at FederalNewsRadio.com. FederalNewsRadio.com was founded in Februrary, 2000. It was apparently the first internet-only, all-news radio station. It is also the first internet radioRead… Read more »

Leadership: The Next Generation

After reflecting on my Machiavelli post, it suddenly occurred to me that the perfect example of the differing leadership styles was encapsulated in an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. (Oh yeah, we’re gonna put the geek in Geek Chick.) In a two-part episode entitled “Chain of Command,” Captain Picard is reassigned to aRead… Read more »

Presidential Transition 2008

Just joined GovLoop at the recommendation of Steve Kelman! Looks like this is a long-needed forum for public sector employees and I’m interested in helping bring both content and connections. The IBM Center for The Business of Government offers thought leadereship resources for government managers on a wide range of topics. It commissions research fromRead… Read more »

Poll Results – Where the Gov’t Jobs Are?

I was pleasantly surprised to see the results of the most recent bi-weekly GovLoop poll: “How did you get your first job with the government?” The results were: 30.8% Student Internship 7.7% Leadership Programs (such as PMF) 30.8% USAJOBS 0.0% Job Fair 30.8% Referral From Friend I think this poll is good information for thoseRead… Read more »

Leadership: Caesar or Machiavelli?

There comes a time in your career when you must decide what sort of role you will occupy in your company or agency. Will you be worker bee, one who focuses on the tasks at hand and keeps the wheels turning? Will you be a bean counter, making sure all the I’s are dotted andRead… Read more »

A Greener Government

newsletter_ july08.pdf Forest Service Chief Gail Kimbell has mandated that the agency green up its operations. It’s now part of our official mission to make our operations more sustainable — by reducing our carbon footprint, by reducing our waste stream, and by managing the forests to help mitigate climate change. It’s so refreshing to seeRead… Read more »

Life Outside the Beltway

Looking at the residence listings of GovLoop members made me feel a bit of an outsider; so many are from what I would consider the “DC Area.” It made me wonder how valuable GovLoop would be for me, as a Washington Outsider. But then I got to thinking: what, if any, are the real differences?Read… Read more »

Dealing With Email

Ahhh… The life of the 2008 government worker. Full of hours on Outlook (except you poor Lotus lovers) reading, writing, and loving email. And then there is managing email on the Blackberry. If you don’t watch yourself, you can end up spending all day on email. As such, you need a system to manage emails.Read… Read more »