Data Literacy: A Competency for Government Transparency
It isn’t only organizational efficiencies that make data literacy worthwhile. Fostering data acumen is tied to the core mission of government agencies: serving constituents.
It isn’t only organizational efficiencies that make data literacy worthwhile. Fostering data acumen is tied to the core mission of government agencies: serving constituents.
Whether due to greater flexibility, mass exodus, or values-driven decision making, careers in 2022 are anything but predictable. Since the pandemic, we have learned to re-evaluate our careers either by choice or necessity. According to a study from O.C. Tanner, 48% of employees are considering an industry career change after COVID-19 settles down (if itRead… Read more »
For government agencies trying to build a deeper pool of IT talent, the confluence of the so-called Great Resignation with the move to hybrid work offers a new glimmer of hope.
Mentors and sponsors can play a pivotal role in your career. Here’s how to find the best champion for your success!
How do you get your mission done in a historically tight labor market? Train the people you have.
Let’s begin by defining integrity as the quality or state of wholeness, congruence or alignment before describing its four pillars.
Hackathons can be valuable, community-building events within your agency. But what are they, how do you organize them and what specific benefits can you reap?
Creativity is a critical — but often unrecognized — component of successful leadership. Here’s how to foster it.
Read on to learn how storytelling tactics can help you make the best choices every time by boosting your confidence and capacities.
What’s the most important skill to acquire in our digital age? Surprisingly, it’s the ability to learn. Here are seven ways to rekindle it.