IT Transitions Meet Challenges
Why IT modernization and consolidation efforts can create challenges.
Why IT modernization and consolidation efforts can create challenges.
Work-life effectiveness means something different to each individual. Define what it means to you.
By making training required, you are guaranteed to have seats filled. The downside is when that label is slapped onto a course, you immediately lose participant engagement. The learner isn’t making the decision to be there and they could be less accountable, doing the bare minimum to get by.
Five steps to improve IT procurement in state government.
Examining why global competence and multicultural sensitivity need to be included in training for public sector leaders.
Here is a recap of some of our posts on leadership and customer service in government.
Learn about how to make government more customer-centered! had its issues, but it also had its successes. Learn about better leadership in governance.
I think we can all agree that we would love to know the secrets of being successful. For those in government, success is usually defined by becoming a senior leader. The best way to learn is still (and always will be) from personal testimonies. As such, we should seek out the knowledge from those currentlyRead… Read more »
Getting an audience—whether it’s citizens or colleagues—to engage with information and act upon it is often a difficult task. But it can be done. At GovDelivery’s most recent event in the Digital Engagement Breakfast series, Inspiring Employee & Citizen Engagement Through Learning Experiences, industry and government employees gathered to learn more about how to engageRead… Read more »