
Celebrate Moms for Being Smoke Free!

This Mother’s Day, we encourage you to congratulate and give the gift of thanks to those mothers who have quit smoking and to offer support to those who are trying to quit. Beatrice, a mom who successfully quit smoking, shares why motherhood motivated her to quit for good: “When my son was 11, he wroteRead… Read more »

What the Sale of GTSI means for IT Contracting, Why Video makes changes Telework and A Virtual Tour of the Newseum

On Today’s Show for Tuesday May 8th, 2012 GTSI — the company has been a staple of government IT contracting… and it has now been bought. Insights and analysis about what happened and what it means from Nick Wakeman of Washington Technology. Could Video be the key to telework success? Maybe yes. Find out why.Read… Read more »

I am looking for an Executive Position as I transition out of civil service, why would I want to attend a career event?

(As I teach classes at many of the local government agencies on career search and social media, from time to time I get questions from professionals who are in their career transition. I just got this question this morning from someone in one of my classes about their attendance to our upcoming Cleared Job Fair.Read… Read more »

Live Slow And Prosper

I just got back from a week of analyzing the ocean and innovating my golf game. I had no option for internet connectivity. Took most of Monday to get through the 600 email messages that weren’t obviously non-actionable. What I noticed was that most projects had continued to develop without my input. Requests for informationRead… Read more »

Highlights from 2012 Public Service Recognition Week Public Service Town Hall

This morning I attended the Public Service Recognition Week Public Service Town Hall, put on by the Partnership for Public Service. It was a “Public Employees Roundtable and federal agency leaders for a town hall discussion about what agencies are doing to deliver vital public services at a lower cost, how to communicate that valueRead… Read more »

DorobekINSIDER: 7 Stories you Need to Know: Is a 5% Pension Hike Coming?

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Tuesday the 8th of May, 2012 We told you last week about how House Republicans were considering a bill that would protect increased defense department spending.
 Politico says House Republicans have decided to push ahead with plans to protect increased defense spending without raising taxes, largely byRead… Read more »

White House Correspondents Dinner: Why Do Geeks Hate Nerdprom?

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Recently, the White House Correspondents Dinner (AKA “Nerd Prom”) and its bevy of pre-parties, after-parties, and brunches hit Washington, DC by storm as it does every spring. But across the Potomac in Arlington, VA, a simultaneous gathering of government enthusiasts known as “Transparency Camp” occurred, sequestered from networking with influentialRead… Read more »

Participate in Melbourne Knowledge Week 2012

The City of Melbourne was recognised in 2012 as ‘Most Admired Knowledge City’ in an award from the World Capital Institute and Teleos, an independent management research firm. The city is building on this with the annual Melbourne Knowledge Week, designed to engage both the knowledge community and the wider public in a range ofRead… Read more »