
The 7 Gov’t Stories you Need to Know: An end to Sequestration? Congress looks for a Solution…

DorobekINSIDER’s: SEVEN stories that impact your life for Monday the 7th of May, 2012 12.1 — that’s the percentage of spending cuts agencies could see next January if Congress does not come up with an alternative to sequestration. Federal News Radio says the cuts are based on agencies’ fiscal 2012 discretionary budgets. The Budget ControlRead… Read more »

Share in over $30,000 worth of prizes by participating in GovHack 2012

With a strong focus on government data, GovHack is inviting teams of programmers and designers to invent new and better ways of delivering government data to Australians and will be rewarding the best apps, data mash-ups, and data visualisations with a share of $30,000 in prize money. The event, being held in Canberra and SydneyRead… Read more »

6 Reasons Why Government Is Not More Innovative

Steve Denning recently wrote a great post titled How To Make Government Innovative Again. In his post Denning asks the following: Why isn’t the Government generally more agile? Why isn’t innovation part of everything government does? Denning’s answer to these questions are: “Simple. The constraints on talented people who work in government agencies are enormous.”Read… Read more »

Share in over $30,000 worth of prizes by participating in GovHack 2012

With a strong focus on government data, GovHack is inviting teams of programmers and designers to invent new and better ways of delivering government data to Australians and will be rewarding the best apps, data mash-ups, and data visualisations with a share of $30,000 in prize money. The event, being held in Canberra and SydneyRead… Read more »

Demonstration of Spear Phishing and Mitigation by Invincea

Scott Cosby is a friend I’ve known professionally through his work as VP of Products and Operations at Invincea. I recently watched a video which featured Scott demonstrating a typical Spear Phishing attack and how Invincea mitigates that challenge. Invincea cannot prevent attacks, in fact, it was produced with an understanding that crafty bad guysRead… Read more »

Cities and States Not Prepared for Cyber Attacks, FBI Surveillance Backdoors, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The State Department‘s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs plans to provide the Mexican Public Security Secretariat with the Mexico Technical Surveillance System to intercept and analyze communications. More here. In the National Preparedness Report released by the Federal Emergency Management Agency found thatRead… Read more »

GovChat transcript now available

If you missed #GovChat last week (where I was the guest), @PSLeader now has put the transcript online at http://www.psleader.org/wp-content/uploads/CraigThomlerGovChatChangingTheWorldWithGov20.html eGov AU Craig Thomler’s personal Gov 2.0 and eGovernment thoughts and speculations from an Australian perspective Original post