
The Time for a Comprehensive Plan for Second Life is Now!?

Today I read a great article about digital citizenship, Digital Citizenship and the Forward Edge Transference, written by Mike Langlois, LICSW. In his post, Langlois discusses many similarities between online and offline behavior. This was interesting to me because as a local government employee, I’ve also recognized many similarities between offline communities and online spaces.Read… Read more »

USDA’s Rural Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge

Just heard about this funding opportunity in Everyday Democracy‘s e-newsletter… EvDem introduced it like this in their newsletter: If you’re looking for funds to improve rural communities’ capacity to undertake projects related to housing, community facilities, or economic and community development, check out the Rural Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge. Here’s some text from theRead… Read more »

Eight Key Dimensions to Sustainable Innovation

After attending the Training Officers Consortium Annual Institute and the Diversity Conference this week, I noticed a lot of conversation centered on the need for innovation. A colleague of mine, Andy Beaulieu wrote this article for our blog and thought you all might enjoy it: Our initial article mentioned taking a systems perspective when itRead… Read more »