
Public Engagement – What does the future hold?

Social Connect via: I recently attended a presentation on a research report about public consultation completed by the Canada School of Public Service: http://www.gcpedia.gc.ca/wiki/Participation_Publique_/_Public_Engagement (internal to GOC). The results of the research project are very interesting and I would be happy to share the results with anyone who is interested. I don’t have the answersRead… Read more »

Two year review – has the Australian Government delivered on its Government 2.0 commitments?

It has been almost exactly two years since the Australian Government responded to the Government 2.0 Taskforce report on 3rd May 2010. The response, which committed to implement most of the recommendations in the report, was made under Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and with the support of former Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner (neither of whomRead… Read more »

The Time for a Comprehensive Plan for Second Life is Now!?

Today I read a great article about digital citizenship, Digital Citizenship and the Forward Edge Transference, written by Mike Langlois, LICSW. In his post, Langlois discusses many similarities between online and offline behavior. This was interesting to me because as a local government employee, I’ve also recognized many similarities between offline communities and online spaces.Read… Read more »

USDA’s Rural Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge

Just heard about this funding opportunity in Everyday Democracy‘s e-newsletter… EvDem introduced it like this in their newsletter: If you’re looking for funds to improve rural communities’ capacity to undertake projects related to housing, community facilities, or economic and community development, check out the Rural Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge. Here’s some text from theRead… Read more »