
Learn Best Practices, Tips & Tricks at the Free Microsoft Virtual Summit

Register Today for the Free Microsoft Virtual Summit Over the last few months, the GovLoop community has had some great posts on innovation in government. Now is the time for innovation in government – with increasing budgetary constrains, growing fiscal austerity and the prospects of deep budget cuts, the public sector is called to findRead… Read more »

How spies and cloud computing fit together, the future of Gov 2.0 and are you suffering from social media overload?

How spies and cloud computing fit together, the future of Gov 2.0 Suffering social media overload? by GovLoop Insights On today’s program for Tuesday April 25, 2012: Cloud computing and the intelligence community… it seems like an oxymoron, but could it be a perfect fit? Gov 2.0 — What’s happening and where are we going?Read… Read more »

What’s the future for Gov 2.0 — is there one? The surprising look at HP’s new survey

Gov 2.0 — it was one of the biggest government buzz words a year ago…but where does Gov 2.0 stand now? Where is it going? Christina Morrison is the public sector marking manager at HP. She sat down with Chris Dorobek to talk about the results of HP and AMD’s new Gov’t IT Professionals Survey.Read… Read more »

Federal Allies Institute’s Washington Days (Small Business) Conference is May 14-15

Federal Allies Institute recently completed the association’s new Strategic Plan in cooperation with firms such as General Electric Company and agencies such as U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The conference is ‘a how to do business with the federal government event’ based upon the Federal Allies Strategic Plan and is targeted to small businesses acrossRead… Read more »

TEDxSummit workshops

At TEDxSummit, I had the privilege of being asked to impart some of my experience in organising TEDxCanberra to my peers from around the world. In doing so, I was asked to run a short talk plus Q&A for newbie organisers and a longer, one-hour interactive workshop for intermediate level organisers. Embedded below are theRead… Read more »

Your top 7 Gov’t Stories: including the Pentagon’s new Spy Service

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Tuesday the 24th of April, 2012: The Pentagon is setting up a new spy service of its own. The Wall Street Journal says the Defense Department will use existing funds and personnel to increase to create the new department. DoD has wanted to increase their role inRead… Read more »

Fear Factor – Bill Connor’s April 22 Column from Fortune.com

Solicitor General Donald Verrilli picked the wrong day to get the jitters last month. Fighting to keep The Affordable Health Care Act intact in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, he hesitated, he stuttered, he coughed, he gulped ice water – he didn’t make a strong impression. The New Yorker’s legal writer Jeffrey Toobin summedRead… Read more »

TEDxSummit sketchnotes

I’m yet to try to write about TEDxSummit, which I attended in Doha, Qatar last week to spend time collaborating and sharing experiences with 650 other TEDx organisers from around the world. Suffice it to say, it was a profoundly affecting experience and I was privileged to spend time with these amazing, motivated and motivatingRead… Read more »

Three Hot New Social Apps For Election 2012

Stan Freck (Park City, UT) — Everyone knows that the 2008 Obama/Biden campaign for President of the United States made sophisticated use of Twitter, Facebook, and other social media, not to mention creatively tapping into America’s young voters in other innovative ways. But if you thought technology in the 2008 presidential race was a bigRead… Read more »