
Checking in on the DoD Networks with Rob Carey, Hacking with a purpose at NASA and HUD makes training more effective

Carey, Skytland and Cohen by GovLoop Insights On today’s program for Thursday April 19th, 2012: The DoD networks — Deputy CIO Rob Carey walks us through the power, technology, acquisition and budgeting of the DoD network. NASA is trying to harness the world’s hacking power for good. It’s part of its International Space Apps Challenge.Read… Read more »

Terrorism Research Center Reconstitutes as Non-Profit Organization

I took great pleasure in reading the release below regarding the reconstitution of the Terrorism Research Center. The founders of the Terrorism Research Center (Matthew Devost, Brian Houghton, and Neal Pollard) are all highly regarded national security professionals and thought leaders who bring years of proven past performance to helping the nation think through someRead… Read more »

Hacking with Purpose? How NASA’s harnessing the global power of hackers to solve real world problems

Last week we told you all about NASA’s new openness plan. One part of that plan revolves around “technology accelerators” — essentially, crowdsourcing. By opening up its data troves to the world, the space agency hopes that developers across the globe will pitch in and create interesting and useful things with NASA data. That’s whereRead… Read more »

How Did Caine’s Arcade Get Famous?

By now, you’ve probably heard of Caine Monroy, a nine year old boy who built a carnival-like arcade out of cardboard boxes in his dad’s auto shop. The short documentary was viewed more than 4.5 million times in just a week, netting him a $152,000 scholarship, a non-profit foundation to help kids reach their dreams,Read… Read more »

The SEVEN Gov’t Stories you need to know…including a new details on the Secret Service Prostitution Scandal

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Wednesday the 18th of April, 2012: Three Secret Service employees implicated in a prostitution scandal during President Obama’s trip to Colombia last week are being forced out of the agency, officials said Wednesday night. The head of the Secret Service has told other government officials that theRead… Read more »

BREAKING: #HIGH5FLASHMOB infront of the White House on Pennsylvania Today at 12:30

Good Morning GovLoop, To my delight, I found out today is National High 5 Day. In celebration I am organizing a #HIGH5FLASHMOB infront of the White House at 12:30 today. Come join us for the fun. Please tweet: #HIGH5FlashMob @ 12:30 infront of the@whitehouse on Pennsylvania 4 #NATIONALHIGH%DAY. Please RT Please make your facebook status:Read… Read more »

The Government Man Discusses the GSA Scandal – Part Two

Well, I must admit that I took a bit of heat for my initial post on this subject. My general position stands although much more has surfaced in the last week and this gets uglier by the day. I doubt whether anyone initially expected this to go viral. I’ll repeat in no uncertain terms thatRead… Read more »

Swim Lane Graphics Offer a Better View of Your Resource Pool

Swimlane Graphics and Pools are Used to Organize Process Diagrams and Their Contents Stay in your lane Swimlanes divide the process diagram into horizontal areas that are used to organize the items on the process diagram. Swimlane graphics improve the readability of process diagrams. Everybody in the pool The collection of swimlanes of a processRead… Read more »

Launch of the ACT chapter of the Change Management Institute

Every innovation and productivity improvement, machinery of government change and Gov 2.0 initiative embedded in the business-as-usual operations of an agency is a change, therefore I am pleased that Tim Little, after years running a successful Change Management Group in the ACT, has been able to take the major step of founding the ACT ChapterRead… Read more »