
Why Morale Matters, Proving Gov’s Innovative Abilities and One Gov’t Worker Taking Nevada by Storm

Managing Morale, Government Catalyst for Innovation and Gov’t employee making a difference in Nevada by GovLoop Insights On today’s program for Monday April 16th 2012: With all that is happening out there — GSA, now the Secret Service… we’re going to talk about how the moral in your organization. How is it these days? ClearlyRead… Read more »

Government Conference Facilities?

What if the government had its own conference facilities? Arguable the military already does, if conference organizers utilize their service academy facilities. But what about civilian agencies? Check out the National Conservation Training Center in West Virginia, it’s amazing and a short drive from Washington, DC. Could that be used by other agencies? What otherRead… Read more »

Disruptive Innovation – A New Way To Look At The Bureaucracy

Social Connect via: This past week I have been reading a report by Deloitte called Government Disrupted, accessible at: http://www.deloitte.com/govdisrupted. This report takes a look at the public sector in an interesting light by focusing on the concept of disruptive innovation. Disruptive innovation is defined on Wikipedia as: An innovation that helps create a newRead… Read more »

Continuous Improvement Is About Engaging Employees

Not very long ago Honeywell was a troubled company. Several years ago Honeywell changed how it operated by focusing on continuous improvement and engaging all levels of employees. The new management approach, which also involved the implementation of Six Sigma has had a positive impact. Every department in Honeywell, including the smallest shop-floor unit startsRead… Read more »

Announcing Splunk Live DC: 15 May 2012

Splunk Live DC will be held Tuesday 15 May 2012 at the Ronald Reagan center in downtown DC. The agenda includes some great updates on Splunk’s powerful capabilities– Splunk is the engine for machine data and this is a great way to learn more about what it can do. The agenda also includes some fantasticRead… Read more »

Was the GSA Scandal a Political Hatchet Job? — Maybe so says one former GSA-er

Was the GSA Scandal a Political Hatchet Job? — Maybe so says one former GSA-er by GovLoop Insights Welcome to GovLoop Insights Issue of the Week with Chris Dorobek… where each week, our goal is to find an issue — a person — an idea — then helped define the past 7-days… and we workRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: April 13, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Collaborative Consumption. The Sharing Economy has come to government, at least in the form of car sharing. Alex Howard has a great article that not only details two cities’ experiences in car sharing (Boston and DC), but has some great links to other resources on the general topic of collaborative consumption. A DifferentRead… Read more »