
Take STOCK to the Bank?

A GovExec article published April 4th, announced a set of “new financial disclosure requirements” enacted to prevent insider trading by members of Congress and top executive branch officials. According to the STOCK Act, each Member of Congress or employee of Congress owes a duty to the Congress, the United States Government, and the citizens ofRead… Read more »

What DC Government does really well

Yesterday, Wisconsin, Maryland and the District of Columbia held primary elections. Yes, presidential primaries, but what some people might not realize is that there were many congressional and local positions up for grabs as well. I had a really cool opportunity to play helper bee yesterday at the DC Board of Elections and Ethics, thanksRead… Read more »

Liveblogging: FOSE 2012 – Anytime, Anywhere: Expanded Opportunities for the Workforce

The second session I attended at FOSE 2012, Anytime, Anywhere: Expanded Opportunities for the Workforce, featured panelists Darren Ash from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Rob Burton from Venable LLP, Woody Hall from General Dynamics Information Technology, and Bill Kilgore from Savanah River Nuclear Solutions. This panel focused on the bring your own device (BYOD) phenomenonRead… Read more »

10 Questions Every Project Manager Should Ask

At some point in our careers, we are all project managers. Our leadership style shines through and we are tasked to lead a team towards success. Every project is different, requiring you to tap into a different skill set and inspire those around you to perform. As you take on new and more challenging projects,Read… Read more »

Should Government Reorganize Itself? (Part II)

President Obama asked Congress for authority to reorganize government in his 2012 State of the Union address. Several weeks later, he proposed legislation to do so. What is in that bill? What Is Presidential Reorganization Authority? Beginning in 1932, presidents were periodically granted authority by Congress to submit plans to reorganize agencies. Over time, itRead… Read more »

Is There a National Security Crisis in US K-12 Education?

Last month the Council on Foreign Relations published a report co-authored by Joel I. Klein and Condoleezza Rice, titled, “U.S. Education Reform and National Security.” The report sounded a call to arms from its opening sentence. “It will come as no surprise to most readers,” Klein and Rice wrote, “that America’s primary and secondary schoolsRead… Read more »

FOSE Cloud Keynote: Cloud Security – A Business Transformation Nirvana or Security Nightmare?

I attended the cloud conference keynote by Ryan Berg, a Senior Architect for Security Research at IBM. The presentation, titled “Cloud Security – A Business Transformation Nirvana or Security Nightmare?” examined the move towards the cloud and the associated implications and opportunities for security. Berg began his presentation by looking at the environment in whichRead… Read more »

How Do You Explain MPA?

Why an MPA? On my first day of orientation for the Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration (TSPPPA) at The George Washington University, a fellow student asked our professor, “What is a sexy way to explain MPA?” After a moment or two of laughter, the professor (Dr. Lori Brainerd, Director of the PublicRead… Read more »

6 Steps To Put Your Proposal Team On The Same Page

Unless you are incredibly lucky and everyone assigned to the proposal is a great writer, you will need to do some just-in-time training to get everyone on the same page. The same goes for conceptualizing graphics. Here is how you go about quickly getting everyone on board to create a winning proposal. Step 1. AssessRead… Read more »