
Daily Dose: OPM Questions the Management of Funds in the CFCNCA (a Federal Charity Drive)

The Combined Federal Campaigns of the National Capital Area, a federal charity drive which raised over $64 million this past year, has had expenses questioned in an audit by the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) inspector general; the audit charged that about $1 million could have been put to better use. The audit noted thatRead… Read more »

Spread the News—HHS Innovation Challenge ($21,000 Prize): Develop a Web-Based App that Tracks Twitter Data to Identify Trending Illnesses

HHS Innovation Challenge ($21K Prize): “Now Trending #Health In My Community” Keep your Community Healthy! Leverage open source Twitter data to find illnesses being discussed Select a geographic area of interest Generate a daily list of the top 5 trending illnesses for state and local health departments Join the U.S. Department of Health and HumanRead… Read more »

Wednesday’s political law links

TOMORROW’S DISCLOSE ACT HEARING. The witness list is online here. CIVIL PENALTY IN RANGEL MATTER. Story here. “Veteran congressman Rep. Charles Rangel and his campaign have agreed to pay a $23,000 civil penalty in a settlement over the use of a rent-stabilized apartment as his campaign headquarters, according to Federal Election Commission documents.” PANEL WITHRead… Read more »

Women in the Defense Industry: Still Struggling?

As a woman who has spent pretty much my entire career in the defense industry, I’ve never really felt like a part of the “gender gap” arguments about females working in a male-dominated field. National security – just like the military ranks themselves – have always been male dominated. There’s often good reason for thisRead… Read more »

Health Technology Startup Incubator Launches in New York

Deanna Pogorelc (New York, NY) – In the midst of a good deal of discussion about incubators, a new health and wellness tech incubator has launched in New York. Rather than focusing on traditional medical and healthcare devices and drugs, WellTech Funding is targeting “bold and buildable” companies that tackle unsolved problems in the $2Read… Read more »

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Science Foundation Present: Challenges and Opportunities in Big Data

On Thursday 29 March 2012 from 2:00pm to 3:30pm EDT the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) will hold an event focused on “Big Data” Research and Development. Federal government science heads from OSTP, NSF, NIH, DoE, DoD, DARPA and USGS will outline how their agenciesRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Interesting Insights from Interns – Part 5

This is the fifth and final part of our series exploring views on life as a govie from a few of our interns. Internships are usually a required part of today’s college experience. Some people might even argue they are as valuable for employers as they are for students. Internships give students a real-world glimpseRead… Read more »

Co-Design conference day 2

We’re into day 2 of the Co-Design for Citizen-Centric Service Delivery conference and I will be liveblogging part of the day. Unfortunately I am presenting this morning, and have to run away early for a flight, however will cover as much as I can. Co-Design conference day 2 eGov AU Craig Thomler’s personal Gov 2.0Read… Read more »