
U.S. Army Tops List of Most Engaging Agency Twitter Feeds

Twitter is a popular way for federal agencies to share updates on their organization and to converse with inquiring citizens. Yet a healthy Twitter presence is about more than just an impressive band of followers. Various other factors impact how effective a given Twitter feed may be, including replies, mentions, and outgoing tweets. One ofRead… Read more »

Bridging the International Corporate Geo-Cultural Divide or Presenter Beware and Buyer Be Aware

For the first time I was accused of being “Amero-centric.” This caught me off guard as I tend to see life as double-edged; the glass is frequently both half full and half empty. I’m trained to see the strengths and potentialities, vulnerabilities and faults of individuals, groups, and systems. I’m a big fan of F.Read… Read more »

The Yelp for gov’t healthcare, Ranking state’s transparency and using virtual worlds to save real world bridges

The Yelp for gov’t healthcare, Ranking state’s transparency and using virtual worlds to save bridges by GovLoop Insights Tuesday March 27, 2012: Happy Tuesday… We have to start out with the historic debate at the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday over the health care bill — the first of three days of talks. The Washington PostRead… Read more »

Transparency and Open Government? But, How?

In light of recent federal reform to modernize records management government-wide, a new chapter opens promoting transparency and accountability of information at the state, city and local levels. In fact, this sentiment was echoed recently at county and city events in discussions about transparency and open government becoming more than just a hot button topic.Read… Read more »

Government and Industry – Partnering to Procure Smarter and More Sustainable Products and Services

Government and Industry – Partnering to Procure Smarter and More Sustainable Products and Services Date of Event: April 12, 2012 Event Location: American Institute of Architects Event Time: 10:00 am (Registration Opens); 10:30 am – 12:00 pm (Program) Register Here: ACT-IAC GreenIT Panel Discussion Who should attend? Federal employees interested in: • Helping your organizationRead… Read more »

Two British NATO troops killed in attack by shooter wearing Afghan army uniform

www.homelandsecuritynet.com KABUL — A gunman wearing an Afghan National Army uniform Monday turned his weapon against NATO troops in southern Afghanistan, killing two British soldiers. “The individual who opened fire was killed when coalition forces returned fire,” the International Security Assistance Force said in a statement. “A joint Afghan and ISAF team is investigating theRead… Read more »

On Becoming an IT Solution Architect – 5 Critical Practices

The Information Technology (IT) inventory of HR role and position labels is broad and deep. IT position descriptions may be closely associated with actual black box technology (like “Microsft Windows Server 2008 Administrator” or “Storage Area Network (SAN) Engineer”), or they may describe roles in a methodology-driven context required for IT success (“IT Project Manager”,Read… Read more »

Top 10 WWWD (What Would Washington Do)?

Nearly daily a political figure or commentator demands a return to the principles of America’s founding fathers. For a few of these speakers, incorporating colonial ideas on civility & decent behavior in company and conversation, might be very worthwhile. The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, operator of the world’s largest living history museum in Williamsburg, Virginia holdsRead… Read more »

Cyberwar – hype or reality? The end of CSIOs? and the future of Virtual Worlds

Cyberwar – hype or reality? The end of CSIOs? and the future of Virtual Worlds by GovLoop Insights On today’s show Monday March 26, 2012. It’s a busy week for the DorobekINIDER… Wednesday is Federal Computer Week’s annual Fed 100 Awards gala… some really remarkable winners this year. Here’s the link to the full list.Read… Read more »