
Reviews: Check the Box or Meaningful?

As a Human Resources professional, I have seen countless review forms in my career. Some good, some bad. Regardless, are they helpful? Some organizations have a culture that promotes reviews as a “check the box” to stop the HR person from hassling them over turning in their reviews. I worked at one organization where IRead… Read more »

United States Congress Permanent Joint Committee on Information Technology

The United States Congress Permanent Joint Committee on Information Technology does not exist, yet. But a growing group of national security and technology thinkers are considering the pros and cons of a Joint Committee like this and with this post I would like to encourage you to think through the concept yourself. First, some backgroundRead… Read more »

Senators Collins and Lieberman Honored with Coalition Award

Wednesday was a special day for The Coalition for Government Procurement and for the procurement community at large. We honored two outstanding leaders in federal acquisition with our highest honor. Over the 33 year history of The Coalition for Government Procurement, the Common Sense in Government Procurement Award has been presented only 10 times. PastRead… Read more »

Will unspent FEMA grant money lead to a ‘return to sender’?

Deltek Analyst Evan Halperin reports. According to recent testimony at a congressional hearing on March 20, billions of dollars in Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant funds for state and local governments has gone unused. Since 2003, FEMA has provided $35 billion in funding for state and local governments to pay for equipment, training forRead… Read more »

Small and Large Contractors Needed for HUD IT Modernization Efforts

See the latest from Deltek editor Anthony Critelli Budgetary pressure is a major challenge to the IT modernization efforts of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), noted director of Innovation and Open Government Stan Buch at a Deltek Federal Executive Breakfast in McLean, Va., on March 22. Deltek analyst Douglas West pointed outRead… Read more »

Friday Photo: Washington Harbour Edition

Photos can lie. This one certainly does. While it looks like a picture of a lonely and mysterious scene, the night was anything but. I stepped away from friends for a moment to snap this iPhone pic. To the right was a packed bar blaring pop music into the night. It’s an Instagram pic, usingRead… Read more »