
Encyclopedia Britannica ceases paper publishing after 244 years – how about government reports?

On Tuesday Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. announced that the company would cease printing a paper edition of their iconic Encyclopedia Britannica, after 244 years. The last paper version – the 32-volume, 2010 edition – will be unavailable once the existing stock of about 4,000 copies runs out. I can see it becoming a collector’s item overnight.Read… Read more »

Join Live Event

CDC will launch a hard-hitting national tobacco education campaign, called “Tips from Former Smokers.” The campaign features real people living with smoking-related diseases and disabilities, and encourages all smokers to quit. Watch the event live and/or follow @CDCTobaccoFree on Twitter to meet special guests featured in the campaign, and get a first look at campaignRead… Read more »

Alleged Terrorist Pipe Bomber Jose Pimentel Pleads Not Guilty

www.homelandsecurityssi.com Jose Pimentel, who is either a would-be terrorist or a stoned entrapment victim, pleaded not guilty today to rarely used state-level terrorism charges which were enacted after 9/11. You’ll recall that NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly made a big deal in announcing Pimentel’s arrest, holding a press conferencein which he held up a theatrical pipeRead… Read more »

Governmentwide Mentors Pilot Program: 60 Unique Agencies, 92% Cross-Government Pairings

Yesterday, I had the chance to present at the Federal Mentoring Roundtable. Back in the fall, I blogged a bit about the results of our pilot. Here’s a more comprehensive view of it, including a few of the more interesting demographic details, agencies represented, etc: GovLoop Mentors Program – Federal Mentoring Roundtable View more presentationsRead… Read more »

Twitter goes to Court, Career Frameworks, SES Mobility and March Madness Brackets!

Twitter goes to Court, Career Tips from Frank Digiammarino, SES Mobility and March Madness Brackets! by GovLoop Insights Happy Tuesday… Happy Pi Day… yes, March 14… or 3.14… get it? And just so we all feel like we’re back in school again… Pi is is a mathematical constant that is the ratio of any EuclideanRead… Read more »

INSA Report: Cloud Computing: Risks, Benefits, and Mission Enhancement for the Intelligence Community

On 13 march 2012, the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) released a report culminating a years worth of interviews and continuing dialog with industry, academia and government on the mission needs and benefits of new approaches to Information Technology implementation in support of national security missions. The report, titled “Cloud Computing: Risks, Benefits, andRead… Read more »

Blog Tag Lists

There are now drop down lists of tags you can use when you add a blog post, and when you search for blog posts. When adding a blog post, you can choose zero, one or more than one tag (one at a time) from the list. But you must either choose a tag from theRead… Read more »