
Group Decision Tip: Agenda Setting Access

In principle, if we are a group of relative equals, deciding how we are going to spend our time together should be a group decision, or at least the group should decide the agenda-setting process. Further, every group member should understand the agenda-setting process and have access to it. In many groups, agenda setting isRead… Read more »

Preventing The Miserable Workplace

Have you ever voted with your feet? Voting with your feet means you’ve left a job because you were absolutely miserable doing the work. You weren’t challenged by the work, you felt you were just a cog in a wheel, and no one really knew you for who you were, just the jobs that youRead… Read more »

GameFest Highlight: King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters

Alli Jessing, Joint Programs Coordinator for the Smithsonian American Art Museum and National Portrait Gallery, gives us a peek at our upcoming screening of Seth Gordon’s documentary The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters showing this Saturday, March 17 at 7 p.m. in American Art’s Nan Tucker McEvoy Auditorium as part of our GameFestRead… Read more »

Department of Commerce app challenge–an interview with Mike Kruger

Last month, the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) announced a “Commerce Business Apps Challenge” to developers to look for innovative ways to utilize the Department’s and other publicly available data to help businesses identify opportunities, grow, enhance productivity and create jobs. With the submission deadline of April 30 fast approaching, I interviewed the Department’s MikeRead… Read more »

Entreprelooza! In Pictures

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — On March 6th, Startup DC (the local arm of Startup America Partnership) hosted the first ever Entreprelooza! in Washington, DC, a celebration of all things startup and entrepreneurial. Besides being a 35,000 square foot festival for about 400 people (which stands out enough in DC), its diversity was noticed byRead… Read more »

Political law links for Tuesday, March 13, 2012

LIMBO FOR DONORS. Roll Call. “The extended Republican presidential primary has left many GOP donors paralyzed — unsure of whether to invest in the upcoming battle against President Barack Obama or focus on Congressional races.” SUPER PAC AND BACHUS RACE. Story here. “Beason, Bachus’ most serious challenger, hasn’t raised much money. But an outside superRead… Read more »

Tips for Effective Coaching

Ever wonder what the right way is to offer a praise statement, or wish for help coaching someone who needs to correct an unwanted behavior? Check out these quick tips in the Winter Issue of “The CSA Edge.” Tips for effective coaching “The CSA Edge” Winter Issue. http://ning.it/xlplED

Have A Nice Conflict

Jim Elliott talks with Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER by cdorobek You are running a little late, and show up to the early morning project team meeting a few minutes after it started. But already things have taken their usual course. Tom is raising his voice and pressing for action on his latest proposal, HelenRead… Read more »

Tired of Sneak Attacks?

Buried in the Senate Highway Bill (Amendment #1826 to S.1813) is a sneak attempt to extend the Pay Freeze imposed on Federal employees for yet another year! Surprised? According to it’s author, Senator Pat Roberts, “This amendment includes a special deficit reduction trust fund … <that> would contain the savings from the energy production incentives,Read… Read more »