
GovLoop Training: How to Streamline and Improve the Federal Government Acquisitions Process

On Thursday, (3/8), GovLoop and Bloomberg Government hosted a training webinar on “How to Streamline and Improve the Federal Government Acquisitions Process.” During the training we discussed current acquisition challenges and how to improve communications with industry to streamline the acquisition process. We also learned some awesome tips and best practices for market research. 1.Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: March 09, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda The Necessity of Government Digital Service. From across the pond comes this blog post by Carl Haggerty, “Does local government need a local government digital service?” Though the post (as its name implies) focuses squarely on local government, the lessons are applicable to all levels of government, and the answer to the title’sRead… Read more »

Today’s political law links

ETHICS.GOV LAUNCH. Story here. “The new website fulfills a campaign promise made by President Barack Obama to centralize ethics and lobbying information for voters.” OBAMA AND LOBBYING. Naivete? “So when the Republican National Committee uses those words from Obama 2008 to ding Obama 2012, it has a point. But the administration’s real sin isn’t beingRead… Read more »

Creative Technology Day – 17th March in Louth

As part of an EU-funded bit of work we are working on with Lincolnshire County Council, we’re running an event in Louth next Saturday to demonstrate a whole range of useful and innovative technology that people working in the creative, cultural and heritage sectors would find especially cool. You can book your place here. TheRead… Read more »

Oops: Did He Really Just Say That?

Larry Conley has a funny post about some misstatements by elected officials that are a good read for a little humor. Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper recently had one of those verbal gaffes that sometimes plague public officials. Hickenlooper, who often favorably refers to his Lt. Gov. Joe Garcia as a “rising star,” instead introduced GarciaRead… Read more »

How to Successfully Date Your Subscribers (Or, How to Send Great Emails)

One of GovDelivery’s Client Success Consultants, Bandar El-Eita recently came up with a helpful metaphor on email (or as GovDelivery calls them, bulletins) sending best practices. His thinking is that the process of encouraging a new citizen to sign up and read your bulletins is akin to the process of dating. That is, when aRead… Read more »

Jennifer Pahlka at TED [Video]

It’s easy to get lost in particulars of CfA’s work: the apps, the code, etc. But at TED last month, our founder Jennifer Pahlka reminds us that it’s about much more than that, it’s about citizenship and how the internet is fundamentally reshaping the way government can work. As promised, here’s the video: Original post

Cloud Confusion: Finding Best Practices For State and Local Gov

Cloud computing is taking the business and government world by storm. Just like anything else new, it’s uncharted waters and guidelines and best practices are hard to come by. Of course the federal government has the NIST standards and the FedRAMP programs to guide the way on cloud services and acquisitions, but what about stateRead… Read more »