
Oops: Did He Really Just Say That?

Larry Conley has a funny post about some misstatements by elected officials that are a good read for a little humor. Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper recently had one of those verbal gaffes that sometimes plague public officials. Hickenlooper, who often favorably refers to his Lt. Gov. Joe Garcia as a “rising star,” instead introduced GarciaRead… Read more »

How to Successfully Date Your Subscribers (Or, How to Send Great Emails)

One of GovDelivery’s Client Success Consultants, Bandar El-Eita recently came up with a helpful metaphor on email (or as GovDelivery calls them, bulletins) sending best practices. His thinking is that the process of encouraging a new citizen to sign up and read your bulletins is akin to the process of dating. That is, when aRead… Read more »

Jennifer Pahlka at TED [Video]

It’s easy to get lost in particulars of CfA’s work: the apps, the code, etc. But at TED last month, our founder Jennifer Pahlka reminds us that it’s about much more than that, it’s about citizenship and how the internet is fundamentally reshaping the way government can work. As promised, here’s the video: Original post

Cloud Confusion: Finding Best Practices For State and Local Gov

Cloud computing is taking the business and government world by storm. Just like anything else new, it’s uncharted waters and guidelines and best practices are hard to come by. Of course the federal government has the NIST standards and the FedRAMP programs to guide the way on cloud services and acquisitions, but what about stateRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Experts Suggest Dropouts could help Cybersecurity Efforts

In order to have a strong cyber-security team, government agencies need experts with the skills and education that are up to the task, right? Not so, said several panelists at the AFCEA Homeland Security Conference in Washington, D.C. Olivia Carroll, Director of the Cybercrime Lab for the U.S. Department of Justice said she believes thatRead… Read more »

New Report

Nearly all tobacco use begins in youth and young adulthood. The 2012 Surgeon General’s Report released today focuses on the problem of tobacco use among youth and young adults, its causes, and the effective strategies to prevent young people from ever starting. Learn more and share this CDC Feature article.

LocalWiki project spawns open source communities

Who says open source is all about code and hackathons have to stick to computer hacking? Code Across America is a different kind of open source community, and it came together on February 25, 2012. This effort was part of civic innovation week (February 24-March 4), where over a dozen cities in the United StatesRead… Read more »

Lessons Learned Information Sharing (LLIS) Offers Wealth of Case Studies, Helpful Information

For government communicators involved with emergency response, homeland security or other types of related responsibilities, Lessons Learned Information Sharing (LLIS) is a virtual encyclopedia of crisis case studies and best practices. A creation of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), LLIS features: Lessons Learned (reports and observations about a variety ofRead… Read more »