
Top Lawmakers Mull Syrian Options

www.homelandsecuritynet.com An estimated 7,500 Syrians have been killed by President Bashar Assad’s military during the past year, a fact that has led Senator John McCain (R-AZ) to call for U.S.-led air strikes to stop the slaughter of unarmed civilians being carried out by the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, saying: “Providing military assistance toRead… Read more »

Stay The Course in the Q&A

All went according to plan. The CIO’s presentation at the online video conference grabbed the audience’s attention with a memorable storyline, visuals worthy of an Apple new product launch, and unmistakable “marching orders.” She told them why they should care and what she wanted them to do. But then came the Question-And-Answer period. An underpaidRead… Read more »

National Social Work Month – Veterans’ Mental Health

Deltek Analyst Kate Tussey reports. Last Friday, Deltek kicked off National Social Worker Month with a blog series aimed at exploring various topics addressed by our nation’s social work arena. One of the most devastating and close-to-home issues in the field revolves around mental health care for veterans and returning military officers, especially in theRead… Read more »

The end of the RAT Board, Information Overload and Undercover CEO — all that and more!

The end of the RAT Board, Information Overload and Undercover CEO, all that and more! by GovLoop Insights Here is what we have for you today… There is a new chief watchdog at the Recovery, Accountability and Transparency Board. It’s a visible job. She takes over from Earl Devaney. And she has a tough taskRead… Read more »

Q and Art: Folk Art

This post is part of an ongoing series on Eye Level: “Q and Art” and is the successor to our series “The Best of Ask Joan of Art.” Begun in 1993, Ask Joan of Art was the longest-running arts-based electronic reference service in the country. We retired the service late last year but want toRead… Read more »

Putting “Commercial” Back in Commercial Item Contracting

As GSA works to establish the “Next Generation” of the Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) program, it is a wonderful opportunity to reinvigorate commercial best practices in the federal market place. As its best, the MAS program provides access to millions of commercial services and products to customer agencies. It is the largest, most successful commercialRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Small donors make up the base of Santorum, Paul, Gingrich fundraising efforts

Are you excited about the candidacy of Rick Santorum? Ron Paul? Newt Gingrich? Looking at the percentage of small donors who have contributed to their campaigns, many voters are. What about Mitt Romney? According to fundraising numbers, not likely. Though Romney has by far the most funds raised at $63.2 million, he has the smallestRead… Read more »

Let Fear Be Your Guide

So, there I was returning from a few days of skiing in Steamboat Springs, Colorado and I find myself watching Man vs. Wild on the inflight entertainment. It seems host Bear Grylls had invited actor Jake Gyllenhall out on an expedition exploring Iceland during some pretty harsh conditions. Jake was speaking to the camera aboutRead… Read more »

Liveblogging: Awards Presentations, CFC

Today, I had the privilege of attending the Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area (CFC) 2011 Finale and Awards Program so to liveblog for GovLoop. The event acknowledged the achievements of various government agencies in raising funds for charities. As a side note, I unfortunately did miss the reasoning for a couple ofRead… Read more »

LiveBlogging: Lois A. Wellman, Guest Speaker, CFC

Today, I had the privilege of attending the Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area (CFC) 2011 Finale and Awards Program so to liveblog for GovLoop. The event acknowledged the achievements of various government agencies in raising funds for charities. Lois Wellman, Charity Beneficiary and employee at the US Fish and Wildlife Service, beganRead… Read more »