
Implementing An Organizational Realignment – Useful Guidelines

With any organizational realignment or restructuring the challenge and real work is in the gritty day-to-day details of implementation. There are a lot issues and risks to identify, address and manage. Realignment can be as small as rearranging a few positions and responsibilities or a major realignment of major divisions, along with changes to theirRead… Read more »

The Atlantic – America at Work

This photo appeared in America at Work in The Atlantic. It’s a fascinating gallery of the diverse range of professions in this country. I love how The Atlantic does photojournalism so was delighted that they chose my picture for inclusion. The photo is from an OccupyDC protest. Living in Washington, I see a lot ofRead… Read more »

Entreprelooza! A Celebration of DC Area Entrepreneurship

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Startup DC in partnership with Startup America and Microsoft has announced Entreprelooza! is occuring on Tuesday, March 6th at what was previously a Borders bookstore on 18th and L St. NW in Washington, DC. It will be a 70,000 square foot celebration of all things geeky, startup, and entrepreneurial inRead… Read more »

How Does 1 Law Firm Get $4 million Dollars Of City Business?

As reported in the Buffalo News, since 2006 when Byron Brown became Mayor of Buffalo records show the Hodgson Russ law firm has earned $4 million in city legal fees, more than the next three highest-paid firms hired by the city combined. Why does Hodgson Russ get so much of the city’s business? “Experience, resourcesRead… Read more »

Top 4 Aspects of Improving Efficiency in the Cloud

This morning I attended the Improving Efficiency in the Cloud GovLoop roundtable sponsored by Oracle. Cloud technology has been one of the hot topics in government for the past several months. As government is challenged by the dire budget situation and fiscal uncertainty, agencies are tasked to be more innovative to meet mission critical initiatives.Read… Read more »

In This Case: Frame of Reference

Frames displayed in the Luce Foundation Center What’s in a frame? More than a painting, as I discovered after talking to Martin Kotler, frames conservator for the American Art Museum. While standing in front of the newly-installed frames case in the Luce Foundation Center, Martin explained that frames can be hand-carved, cast using additive material,Read… Read more »

Ohio to expand medical corridor over new ultra-fast broadband network

Ohio is pushing forward on a ten-fold boost to its broadband network speeds. In an event today that included Governor Kasich and researchers from Ohio State, University of Cincinnati, Summa Western Reserve Hospital and Case Western Reserve University officials outlined the state’s plan to become a world leader in medical research. Ohio is launching theRead… Read more »