
Officials Hope Friday Prayers Do Not Include More Koran Burning Backlash

On its site shahamat-english.com, the Taliban had urged Afghan security forces to “turn their guns on the foreign infidel invaders.” It seems to be working, in an apparent backlash over the recent burning of Korans at a U.S. military base in Afghanistan, an Afghan solider turned his gun on his allies, shooting and killing twoRead… Read more »

Managing risk before it manages you

Last month I attended the International Disaster Conference & Expo in New Orleans along with former U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge. It was an extraordinary event with more than 1,400 people from 27 countries represented. The prominent list of speakers, including Secretary Ridge, made it clear that the topic of crisis management, emergency responseRead… Read more »

Political law links for 2/24/12

MIXED PURPOSE TRAVEL RULES IN THE NEWS. Story here. “The act of presidential piggybacking — coupling official duties, in this case a speech on the economy, with political fundraising — was not pioneered by Obama but is prominently on display this year.” MOLINARI TO GOOGLE. Story here. “Former New York congresswoman Susan Molinari has signedRead… Read more »

Tele-Town Halls

Tele-Town Hall, LLC ™ is the creator and the leading provider of “telephone town hall” events. Tele-Town Hall™ events are the culmination of our nearly two decades of planning and testing to create an unparalleled breakthrough in LIVE, person-to-person communications. We currently provide thousands of elected officials, political candidates, non-profit organizations, associations, and businesses withRead… Read more »

Curiosity is sexy

Don’t have sex with anybody who isn’t turned on by knowledge or the very many ways to get it. Make this your creed. Put it on a T-shirt. And then don’t take that T-shirt off for anyone who violates your very impressive, lovely standards. What a glorious notion! Original post

Code Across America: A Week of Civic Innovation

From February 24 through March 4, hundreds of passionate citizens around the country will come together to “Code Across America” – to make their cities even better. In over a dozen cities, there will be hackathons to build civic apps, “brigades” to deploy existing ones, unconferences to plan for the year ahead, and meetups toRead… Read more »

The Homework Quandry

Whether you teach elementary school or graduate school, the effectiveness and purpose of homework has long been debated. Should you ask, most people would probably tell you that homework is important and promotes learning and mastery of course material and in fact, research can be cited to support this intuitive assertion. For example, a studyRead… Read more »

How Critical Is Clarity on Government Projects?

Sometimes pronouncements get made and distributed in email format about a change in direction, etc. When this happens, I sometimes find that the person sending the message doesn’t have an understanding of the recipients. They have not put themselves in the “other person’s shoes”. Therefore, the message is confusing because key points are not addressed.Read… Read more »