

The DC Chapter of the Labor and Employment Association will hold its monthly luncheon on Wednesday Feb 29, 12 pm-1:30 pm, at the historic Woman’s National Democratic Club, 1526 New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington DC. Eileen Hoffman, FMCS mediator, will look at the changes in today’s workplace — especially the presence of at least fourRead… Read more »

Great day for 10 states: HHS releases $230 million for health insurance exchange efforts

Deltek Analyst Amanda White reports. Today, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) awarded 10 additional states funding under the Level One and Two establishment grants. Grant awards amount to approximately $230 million. Interestingly enough, Arkansas, which has opted for the federal exchange, is among the awardees. Legislation to establish an insurance exchange failedRead… Read more »

Austerity and Innovation: (For/N)ever the Two Shall Meet?

In a recent GovernmentExecutive – Management Matters article, Jeffrey Neal makes a simple (in theory) yet revolutionary (in practice) argument: in this time budget restrictions and making more happen with less resources, leaders are in a perfect position to create innovation in their agencies. On all levels, innovative thinking can create major cost savings: fromRead… Read more »

Protest Erupts After Koran Burning

Thousands of angry protesters gathered outside Afghanistan’s Bagram Airfield recently, chanting “Death to America,” firing slingshots, and hurling firebombs at the NATO base in the wake of reports that soldiers had burned a copy of the Koran. The commander of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) acknowledged that personnel at the base had “improperly disposedRead… Read more »

Behind the Scenes: The Moving of a Sculpture

John Scott’s Thornbush Blues Totem Thornbush Blues Totem by John Scott will be featured in our upcoming exhibition, African American Art: Harlem Renaissance, Civil Rights Era, and Beyond. In preparation, museum conservators and art handlers moved the eight-foot tall sculpture up to the conservation labs for examination and treatment. Staffer Mary Tait described the experience:Read… Read more »