
Preventing An “American Hiroshima”

The Department of Homeland Security and FBI recently issued a memo to its state and local law enforcement partners titled “No Specific Threat to American Jewish Community, Despite Recent World Events.” The intelligence document said in part: “We have no specific information that Iran or its surrogates are targeting Jewish organizations, facilities, or personnel inRead… Read more »

Do Dead Presidents represent YOU?

Happy President’s Day! Some people believe that the American dream is to make a lot of money, buy a nice house and have a good paying job. But, there are so many Americans that have a lot of money, a nice house and a good paying job and they are still unhappy. I wonder why,Read… Read more »

Update on MT case and the prospect of CU 2

BREAKING NEWS. With apologies for invading your weekend, I just wanted to share a quick note that the Supreme Court granted a stay of the Montana Supreme Court’s December 2011 decision upholding a state ban on corporate political activity. The Montana decision failed to follow the Court’s holding in CU. Justices Ginsburg and Breyer inviteRead… Read more »

The Fourth Gate in the Pipeline: Managing a Function

Managers who manage managers have hopefully learned the skills necessary to manage themselves, to manage others, and to manager managers. They’ve picked up skill sets in coaching, setting and communicating clear goals, listening, monitoring, rewarding, empowering subordinates and others. Once they’ve mastered these basics, they may be ready to move on to managing a function.Read… Read more »

Daily Dose: Most Fed Make Six-Figure Salaries – Fact or Fiction?

As union leaders are preparing to defend federal workers against paying more for their pensions to “help pay down the deficit and extend payroll tax cuts and unemployment benefits,” they are trying to prove that federal works represent “the typical middle America of this country.” But are they? Fiscal conservatives and Republicans often claim thatRead… Read more »

Big Changes: Government or Military Transitioning to Civilian Work

A post from Patra Frame, U.S. Air Force veteran and ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Specialist. If you have spent a long career in the military or government, the change to the civilian world is often even larger than you expect. Week after week I see people who were accomplished pilots, program managers, XO’s, SMEs, — and whoRead… Read more »

Non-Federal Resumes

When there is an email address and a telephone number on a non-Federal resume, why do you need a home address on the resume? I’m not sure how many companies actually mail responses back to an applicant via USPS due to the cost of postage.