
Best Practices for Surveillance, Monitoring and Incentives In Contract Administration

Acquisitions is an extremely complex area of government. The regulations that dictate acquisitions requirements, FAR, is well over 1,000 pages of regulations. The pure length of this document is impressive, equally impressive is the complexity of FAR. Understanding how FAR operates and impacts the acquisition process is one of the many challenges facing acquisition professionals.Read… Read more »

I’m teaching a free social media strategy workshop for government folks in DC

Hi everyone. Unfortunately, this is only for folks in DC, as this will be an in-person workshop. I’m looking at how I could do this kind of in-depth, highly participatory workshop online, though. If you register, please comment below so I know who’s coming. 🙂 Class description and registration page on Web Manager University Format:Read… Read more »

Important News About Your CWS, RDO, AWS, Annual and Sick Leave

It’s all a bunch of BS! When’s the last time you sat down with your team to discuss how to make better use of your team’s unique set of capabilities and strengths? Chances are, if you took stock, you’d find that some people work best at night, others in the morning, some on the weekendsRead… Read more »

Join the global Service Delivery JAM in Canberra (hosted by the Department of Innovation)

The Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education is holding the Canberra component of the Global Service Jam from 24-26 February 2012 as part of their efforts to support and foster innovative thinking across the Australian Public Service. This is part of a 90 plus city global event where people who are interestedRead… Read more »

Reinventing TED

This essay, Against TED, by Nathan Jurgenson at The New Inquiry raises some important perceptions (and misperceptions) and isn’t the first criticism of TED we’ll see. Nor will it be the last. It’s really not that hard to find such criticisms; they’ve been around for some time and they all point to many of theRead… Read more »

Preventing An “American Hiroshima”

The Department of Homeland Security and FBI recently issued a memo to its state and local law enforcement partners titled “No Specific Threat to American Jewish Community, Despite Recent World Events.” The intelligence document said in part: “We have no specific information that Iran or its surrogates are targeting Jewish organizations, facilities, or personnel inRead… Read more »

Do Dead Presidents represent YOU?

Happy President’s Day! Some people believe that the American dream is to make a lot of money, buy a nice house and have a good paying job. But, there are so many Americans that have a lot of money, a nice house and a good paying job and they are still unhappy. I wonder why,Read… Read more »

Update on MT case and the prospect of CU 2

BREAKING NEWS. With apologies for invading your weekend, I just wanted to share a quick note that the Supreme Court granted a stay of the Montana Supreme Court’s December 2011 decision upholding a state ban on corporate political activity. The Montana decision failed to follow the Court’s holding in CU. Justices Ginsburg and Breyer inviteRead… Read more »