
Mitt Romney on Food Stamps?

And Other Random Thoughts Mitt Romney has said that he’s not concerned about “the very poor”, because they have the safety net. The TANF (cash welfare) benefit for a three-person household in Massachusetts is $618 per month. The average SNAP (food stamps) benefit is $264 for that family each month. I sent an email toRead… Read more »

Flashmob at the National Heart Lung & Blood Institute

Thought you might be interested in a special video created in honor of National Wear Red Day®. http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/about/directorscorner/messages/2012-messages/february-2012/the-nhlbi-celebrates-national-wear-red-day-2012/index.html As you already know, February is American Heart Month, and today the staff at the National Institutes of Health sent a very special thank you to all the scientists and researchers who work every day to improveRead… Read more »

Live-Blogging Tech@State: Drinking from the Fire Hose

I attended the breakout session: Drinking from the Fire House, which looked at the impact of and strategies and techniques for dealing with the explosion of data. John Kelly (Morningside Analytics) moderated a panel that consisted of Jason Hines (Recorded Future), Eddie Smith (Topsy), Jonathan Gosier (Metalayer), and Adam Sharp (Twitter). The presentations were aRead… Read more »

Call for Entries: 2012 ULI Global Awards for Excellence Program

From the Urban Land Institute: “In its 34th year, the program is the centerpiece of ULI’s efforts to identify and promote best practices in all types of real estate development. The awards define the standard for real estate development practice worldwide and welcome entrants from all regions. Besides serving as examples to promote best practices,Read… Read more »

February 8th Open House & Breakfast on Working Warrior Initiative in Springfield, VA

From Brittany Wismer via the Virginia Tech Alumni Group on LinkedIn: “MVLE is inviting our business community to breakfast & an open house to discuss the Working Warrior initiative and how MVLE is creating jobs for people with disabilities. MVLE (www.mvle.org) is a dynamic nonprofit seeking to forge lasting partnerships with local and national companiesRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: Sunlight on #superPACs: Colbert edition

In case you missed it, last night some-time South Carolina Presidential candidate and super PAC founder Stephen Colbert gave a great rundown of the new campaign finance landscape in our elections. Colbert and his team of very sharp writers have smartly illustrated just how out of control our campaign finance system is. In short, it’sRead… Read more »