No matter how small the problem, the potential for complexity can make it something else altogether. Watch! Original post
No matter how small the problem, the potential for complexity can make it something else altogether. Watch! Original post
I have to admit, last night was pretty awesome. Work had ended, and I was still sitting at my desk, eagerly waiting for 5:30 to come around. Why? I had a meeting with President Obama. Sure, so did anyone who wanted it, but it was the first POTUS Google+ live streaming event. As things started,Read… Read more »
I’ve been working as part of a civic organization and recently noticed some illuminating behavior. One member of our team gets fairly constant praise for average work. I never thought much about it, but then as results got worse, the praise increased. It has gotten to the point where pointless adulation is a significant partRead… Read more »
This blog post was written in conjunction with Policy Fellow Matt Rumsey. The Brookings Institution hosted an event in conjunction with Publish What You Fund on Thursday, January 19th to discuss progress made in regards to foreign aid transparency. Video of the event is available here. The event featured a keynote address from USAID AdministratorRead… Read more »
This morning I was able to attend an event sponsored by FedInsider News: To Honor and to Serve: Recruiting Veterans to Government Service. The event provided an overview of President Obama’s Executive Order to improve how the federal government hires veterans and assists during the transition from military to civilian life. The event specifically focusedRead… Read more »
The U. S. CIO Steven VanRoekel issued a draft Shared IT Services Strategy in December 2011, which may be found at “Shared First” is the foundational paradigm for this Federal Information Technology (IT) Shared Services Strategy, which provides Federal agencies with guidance on the identification, implementation, and operation of shared services for commodity, support,Read… Read more »
Just fyi, the “Who’s on First” routine was made famous by Abbott and Costello, not Laurel and Hardy.
It’s a big day in politics: Voters in Florida are casting ballots in their hotly contested GOP presidential primary; voters in Oregon’s 1st Congressional District are picking a replacement for ex-Rep. David Wu, a Democrat. Here in Washington, we’ll be hovering over computer screens hitting the refresh button in hopes of learning who is tryingRead… Read more »
Transportation Nation spoke with representatives from three car-sharing services to better understand how they choose their locations. Original post
University of Iowa officials say that the Bongo GPS-based real-time passenger information system has led to increased bus ridership. Original post