
Political law links for Fri., Jan. 27, 2012

STOCK ACT SET FOR VOTE. Roll Call. “The Senate is set to vote on taking up legislation Monday that would explicitly ban federal lawmakers and their staff from trading on insider information.” ROMNEY TO REVISE. Story here. “Mitt Romney could face new questions about his overseas investments after a campaign official acknowledged to NBC NewsRead… Read more »

Wrapping up TRB in ten tweets

The Transportation Research Board’s 91st Annual Meeting is over, and like many of the conference’s record-breaking 11,000 attendees, I returned home brimming with enthusiasm and new ideas for The Transit Wire and my consulting work. It’s impossible to summarize the meeting with a handful of tweets, but here are ten that touch upon TRB’s combinationRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: Tools for Transparency: URL Builder for Google Analytics

The Google Analytics URL Builder is a simple tool that helps you track traffic statistics for specific campaign related links. The tool works by adding parameters to a link from a page on your site that you then track using Google Analytics. When running an advertising or social media campaign, this is incredibly handy forRead… Read more »

VA Healthcare Innovators Nominations Due March 2

From the Virginia BioTech Association enewsletter:“In today’s rapidly evolving healthcare environment, improving the quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery is more important than ever. The healthcare industry must therefore foster and encourage progress and creativity. The 2012 Virginia Healthcare Innovators Awards co-sponsored by the Virginia Biotechnology Association (VABIO) honors Virginia providers and organizations/entities that haveRead… Read more »

Sustainability Scholarships Available

From the Cabell Brand Center: “The Cabell Brand Center for Global Poverty and Resource Sustainability Studies is offering six scholarships in 2012 to college students interested in volunteer programs. Application deadline is March 1, 2012. Application information is posted on the Cabell Brand Center website: http://www.cabellbrandcenter.org and/or application material can directly be downloaded from: http://www.cabellbrandcenter.org/Downloads/Scholarship_Folder.pdf“Read… Read more »

VA Healthcare Innovators Nominations Due March 2

From the Virginia BioTech Association enewsletter: “In today’s rapidly evolving healthcare environment, improving the quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery is more important than ever. The healthcare industry must therefore foster and encourage progress and creativity. The 2012 Virginia Healthcare Innovators Awards co-sponsored by the Virginia Biotechnology Association (VABIO) honors Virginia providers and organizations/entities thatRead… Read more »

Wisconsin redux: Indiana edges closer to right-to-work

Indiana is on the verge of stripping union rights and becoming a right-to-work state. The Republican-controlled House passed a bill on Wednesday that would ban unions from collecting mandatory fees from workers. The bill follows similar measures in other states like Wisconsin, which have drawn mass protests. The bill now goes to the Senate whereRead… Read more »