
Catbird’s vSecurity 5.0

Tweet While virtualization offers many benefits to enterprise such as lower costs and greater flexibility, it also creates new challenges. One of the greatest concerns with switching over to virtualized infrastructure, espeically in government, is security and compliance in a complex and dynamic environment which legacy software can no longer handle. Catbird offers automated securityRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: On FIRE: How the Finance, Insurance and Real Estate Sector Drove the Growth of the Political One Percent of the One Percent

This piece was prepared in collaboration with Ethan Phelps-Goodman. In the last two decades, finance, insurance, and real estate have made many individuals quite rich, propelling them to stratospheric levels of wealth. It’s also propelled these individuals into stratospheric levels of political giving. More than any other industry, individuals from the finance, insurance, and realRead… Read more »

Esri Federal GIS Conference: How does ArcGIS Apply to Your Agency?

Esri’s upcoming Federal GIS Conference is sure to be an awesome couple of days. Attendees are going to learn a ton about incredible GIS technology and what it will do for the federal government. You may think that ArcGIS is really cool, but wonder how it applies to your agency and your job. Be sureRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: What happens to that Super-PAC money when a candidate drops out?

Those who are currently running for President are endorsed by Super Political Action Committees which can raise millions of dollars which are used to support the candidate. Those who are avid fans of “The Colbert Report” know that there are many loopholes for Super-PACs, while there are also few rules. Though “The Colbert Report” isRead… Read more »

Chain Links

Protecting and connecting Here are a few recent links of note on cybersecurity and disruptive technology: The Cyber Power Index by Booze Allen Hamilton. The G20 are ranked by their potency in cyber, determined by their legal and regulatory framework, economic and social context, technology infrastructure, and industry application. The United States is ranked secondRead… Read more »

Call for Proposals: Public Involvement in Health and Social Care Research

From INVOLVE: INVOLVE 2012 Conference “The eighth biennial INVOLVE conference is being held at the East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, on 13 and 14 November 2012. The conference will bring together members of the public, service users, researchers, research commissioners and representatives of voluntary sector organisations, who share a common interest in public involvement inRead… Read more »

Ethics, lobbying, bundling, the SOTU, and more in today’s political law links

LOBBYING AND THE SOTU. The Hill. “President Obama took aim at K Street in his State of the Union Tuesday night, calling on Congress to limit the campaign fundraising activities of lobbyists.” SOTU EXCERPT. “I’ve talked tonight about the deficit of trust between Main Street and Wall Street. But the divide between this city andRead… Read more »