
Being @ the #SOTU #WHTweetUp

Summary. Last night I had the distinct honor and privilege to participate in the White House State of the Union TweetUp. I arrived in my capacity as a private citizen and student from American University (AU). Earlier in the day, as a fellow invited Tweep (i.e., a fun moniker for those of us who microRead… Read more »

The Second Gate in the Pipeline: Managing Others

Congratulations! You’ve done well. Your performance has been exemplary and we would like to offer you a promotion. Go do great things! We know you can do it! You’ve gotten your first management assignment! Congratulations! Taking on that first management assignment is scary and exciting. You tell your friends and family. You wonder what theRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: Looking to Obama's State of the Union

Tonight, President Obama will deliver his fourth State of the Union address, and we’ll be watching to see how his reform and transparency ambitions fit within this most public description of the President’s priorities. In an election year when an anti-Washington campaign theme will still be required, Obama may continue to cast his transparency workRead… Read more »