New tool lets travelers choose hotel by transit travel time
Google had added a new feature to its experimental Hotel Finder tool that lets users search for a place to stay based on walking or transit travel time. Original post
Google had added a new feature to its experimental Hotel Finder tool that lets users search for a place to stay based on walking or transit travel time. Original post
I had an exhausting time at GovCamp this weekend. We had lots of people. There were lots of discussions. There was much tweeting. Many photos were taken. Lots of blogging has happened. Dan Slee had the fab idea of just posting 20 quick thoughts and take-aways. So let’s have a (somewhat delayed) go. I don’tRead… Read more »
Join For The Charitable Community, Inc.’s ( January 26th, 10 a.m. (PST) Webinar on Building A Media Contact List. The webinar will cover all aspects of building a media contact list, developing effective media strategies, and gaining publicity for your nonprofit organization or governmental agency. It will feature an expert panel from the nonprofit sectorRead… Read more »
The #40dollars campaign; you might have heard of it. It was a campaign on Twitter in which users posted what $40 a week would do for them using the hashtag #40dollars. The campaign opposed the end of a tax cut which would add about $40 a week taken for taxes from middle class payrolls. TheRead… Read more »
Every year at this time, the president delivers his State of the Union address to a special joint session of Congress. President Obama will do so Tuesday night at 9:00 PM. The usual fanfare will accompany the event. Teevee talking heads will begin gushing and gossiping as early as 6:00. The U.S. Constitution divides ourRead… Read more »
People have tweeted in a lot of places, but who’d have thought that astronauts tweet from space? In 2010, NASA launched a new program in which they have astronauts tweet while they are circling the Earth. NASA also holds in-person tweetups (#NASATweetup) which help them gain media coverage, spread the word, diversify their audiences, andRead… Read more »
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., may be taking her name off her congressional office and the 2012 ballot, but that doesn’t mean she can’t be a player in a state that will be one of the top political battlegrounds this year. The congresswoman’s announcement that she will be giving up her House seat this week toRead… Read more »
Dear CPAP Community: Please consider nominating a student paper for the 2012 High Table Paper Awards. Paper award categories include MPA, PhD Student, and PhD Candidate. The awards will be acknowledged at High Table in March. As a reminder, the submission deadline is Monday, February 6. Please direct any questions to Kate Preston, [email protected]. OriginalRead… Read more »
Dear CPAP Community: Please consider nominating a student paper for the 2012 High Table Paper Awards. Paper award categories include MPA, PhD Student, and PhD Candidate. The awards will be acknowledged at High Table in March. As a reminder, the submission deadline is Monday, February 6. Please direct any questions to Kate Preston, [email protected]. OriginalRead… Read more »
Washer opened with videos to exemplify that we don’t need a ton of facts to build trust. However, many companies who do B2B don’t understand this, and think that the only way to have a successful B2B business strategy is with facts. Lots of facts. The people who feel this way do not realize that:Read… Read more »