
Subverting the Dominant Paradigm

Personality tests are a funny thing. They tell you things you’ve always known about yourself but never quite knew how to contextualize. On Monday, January 9, we received our Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) results and spent the morning trying our new qualified identities on for size. The MBTI is a test developed during the 40′sRead… Read more »

Michigan Governor turns focus to infrastructure

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder is turning his focus to infrastructure for 2012. In an early morning address to local business leaders, the Governor underlined the need to keep his state’s infrastructure in good working condition as a cost saving measure. He also repeated his plan for a New International Trade Crossing bridge connecting Michigan andRead… Read more »

Key Features of the MAS Program’s Success

The GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) program is the crown jewel of government-wide contracting programs. The MAS program provides customer agencies with access to thousands of contractors offering millions of commercial services and products. State and local governments can use the MAS program’s information technology contracts to meet their needs as well as using MASRead… Read more »

Calls for Papers: IJEP Special Issue on Immigrant Inclusion by E-Participation

From the e-DMR listserve: “SUBMISSION DUE DATE: February 1, 2012 SPECIAL ISSUE ON Immigrant Inclusion by E-Participation Guest Editors: Itir Akdogan, Mauri Kaipainen, Sonia Sousa, and Ilona Tikka INTRODUCTION:Immigrant Inclusion by e-Participation (IIeP) is a multi-stakeholder regional project that addresses immigrant communities and public authorities in Estonia, Finland and Sweden. The aims of the projectRead… Read more »

The Impending Exodus of “Experienced” Contracting Personnel: Crisis or Opportunity?

It seems that every few months we see a new article, report, or hear testimony predicting a mass exodus of “experienced” 1102s from the Federal workforce. Citing workforce data, the conclusion that is commonly drawn is that a “crisis” will result. If we just look at numbers it would seem that this would be aRead… Read more »

An Update on Liquid Robotics

Image via CrunchBase Liquid Robotics, a company formed by CEO Bill Vass, is making huge inroads in sensor deployments in some of the most difficult to monitor parts of our planet. That is, the vast, open ocean. Liquid Robotics has developed a maritime robot that can travel thousands of miles, carry different payloads, energize itselfRead… Read more »

Public Servants Self-Organizing for Efficiency (and sanity) – Collaborative Management Day

Most of the time, when I engage with or speak to federal public servants, they are among the most eager to find ways to work around the bureaucracy in which they find themselves. They want to make stuff happen, and ideally, to make it happen right and more quickly. This is particularly true of youngerRead… Read more »

All Citizens United in today’s political law links

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CU. Tomorrow will be two years. Instead of my usual collection of links, here are some views and stories marking the anniversary. Have a great weekend. Remember then? “Overruling two important precedents about the First Amendment rights of corporations, a bitterly divided Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that the government may not banRead… Read more »

Pothole Ever Get You Down?

Happy Friday, everyone! If there is one thing I’ve experienced while driving through various cities, it’s been the potholes. A small bump in the road can instantly turn your tire flat and your commute sour. As cities go through climate changes, wear and tear of roadways starts to show in the form of potholes. However,Read… Read more »