
Nebraska, Ohio push forward on insurance exchanges despite opposition

Nebraska and Ohio are both considering measures that would set up health insurance exchanges in their states. Both measures are expected to face stiff opposition from Republican lawmakers that oppose federal health care reform. However, both Governor Heineman and Governor Kasich are expected to at least consider the measures to avoid, ‘federal takeover’ as implementationRead… Read more »

Apply to Become an unNiched 2012 Fellow

The following is a guest post from Jayme Hummer. Jayme serves as Manager of Special Projects and Research at Enspektos, LLC. She also co-hosts the Path of the Blue Eye Project’s podcast, fyi: healthmarcomms. She has more than ten years of experience in research, project management, writing, editing, and publicity. Part of the Path ofRead… Read more »

Renewable Energy News of the Week

Here is a brief list of some of the interesting sustainability news articles from this week: How New Energy Efficient Lighting Creates Green Jobs Town of Hempstead Creates Closed Loop: Wind Turbine Powers Fuel Cell Cars The Year in Biomimicry: How Beetles, Mantis Shrimp & More Inspired Innovation Ethanol Tax Break Quietly Expires, Industry MovesRead… Read more »

The Government Contractor’s Guide to the 2012 NFL Playoffs (Bonus: Tim Tebow’s Deltek Connection)

Rooting interests in the National Football League (NFL) playoffs are generally determined by one’s geographic location. But where’s the fun in that? Wouldn’t you rather base your support on arbitrary government contracting criteria? Here is a list of contracting-based reasons to pull for each of the 12 teams in the playoffs: Tim Tebow visited theRead… Read more »

Group Works: A Pattern Language for Bringing Life to Meetings and Other Gatherings

For the past three years (ever since attending “The Underlying Dynamics of Conversations that Matter”, a most excellent pre-conference workshop with Tom Atlee and Peggy Holman at NCDD 2008 in Austin, TX), I’ve been following the Group Pattern Language Project, a very exciting endeavor led by Tree Bressen, Sue Woehrlin and Dave Pollard and involvingRead… Read more »

Does Your Local Government Promote Meaningful Citizen Engagement?

In a previous post I discussed how Faith Gordon requested the City Council in Lackawanna, NY to make available to the public copies of the entire Council meeting agenda not just a summary. Ms. Gordon requested that the entire City Council meeting agenda including resolutions, memos etc. be put on-line, so that the public canRead… Read more »

Marketplace Demo: Video

During the first annual Code for America Summit, a major piece of the event was held for demos — quick, focused presentations of real-world examples of impact. Two Civic Commons team members, Nick Grossman and Jeremy Canfield, took to the stage to demo the CC Marketplace (then in closed beta, now open for business!). IfRead… Read more »