
TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

The upward momentum from late January didn’t carry into February. Stocks were down this week and Friday’s action tumbled the bull’s effort to keep the week to just modest losses. The dollar took a hit this Wednesday but traders were able to reverse its effect before heading into the close. However investors sold Friday withRead… Read more »

Industries of the Future?

Have you ever wished for a crystal ball that would magically show you the future? What would you do with that knowledge? We can’t promise you a crystal ball, but Alec Ross, former Senior Advisor for Innovation to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and current Fellow at Johns Hopkins University, is releasing his book, IndustriesRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

Stocks were up for the second week in a row after falling hard the first two weeks of the year. The early losses were greater than the recent gains this month so the stock indices saw significant losses for January but some of the damage was repaired by the recent oversold bounce. This week wasRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

We saw some interesting action this four day week producing a potential bottom to these January woes. Nothing is certain but the bulls do have a little momentum on their side as we run into earnings season. Although the day ended in negative territory, Wednesday’s reversal gave buyers some confidence. The bulls followed up withRead… Read more »