
Want to Know Where Your Power Comes From? Look North.

The EIA has put together a graphic depicting net power flows in the US (not including HI and AK). The overriding theme of their data is that electricity flows south in the US. The EIA says that the largest energy flows often come from areas with predictably over-sized generation capacity. The Northwest’s generation capacity isRead… Read more »

Through Jan 10, GoodReads is giving away 5 pre-pub. copies of “Collaborate or Perish!”, my new book with NYPD/LAPD’s Bill Bratton (Random House/Crown)

Be the first to write a review! Head to GoodReads, signup for the Jan. 10 giveaway. On Jan 17, the book hits the bookstores, filled with terrific stories – VISA, Wells Fargo, Nokia…educators, warriors, and cops. “It’s a brilliant guide,” said Prof. Rene Mauborgne, co-author of Blue Ocean Strategy, “replete with sound practical insight intoRead… Read more »

Cities, states pass resolutions against corporate personhood

Several cities and states are passing resolutions against corporate personhood. The resolutions are the result of Supreme Court decision, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission which gave corporations the same first amendment rights as individuals and thereby opening the floodgates for money in politics in the US. Cities and states with rules governing political contributionsRead… Read more »

More DC Area Big Data User Groups

Last week we made mention of the Washington DC Area Hadoop Users Group (HUG). This is a great group of community minded people who meet to exchange lessons learned and dialog on interested technologies. There are others groups in the DC area that work similar topics and we learned more about them in replies toRead… Read more »

From the Apache Software Foundation Blog: The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache Hadoop™ v1.0

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is an all-volunteer group of developers, stewards and incubators of technology. They bring us many of the technologies powering our enterprises and consumer solutions and are continuing to innovate in ways that are absolutely amazing and enjoyable to try to track. One of the greatest projects at the ASF isRead… Read more »