
Seeing Double: On Multiplicity

Ed Ruscha’s Western Horizontal Multiplicity features contemporary prints from the museum’s permanent collection. All of the prints are editions and each impression is considered a work of art. Also of interest is the fact that the works on view represent a collaboration between artist and printer. Ed Ruscha’s Western Veritcal and Western Horizontal are colorRead… Read more »

Putting A Price Tag on Nature

Watch Pavan Sukhdev’s TED talk and find out how he and his team converted nature’s contribution to world economies into terms of dollars and cents. The moral of the talk: just because something isn’t priced doesn’t mean it lacks value. Original post

Personally Thriving in 2012: The Power of Focus

For me, 2011 was a great year in personal development but the uncertainty and turmoil surrounding being a government employee reaffirmed the need for constantly developing my skills. I see 2012 as being even more turbulent and I am convinced that the best strategy is to be the “go to” employee who consistently delivers results.Read… Read more »

Fixing the Rules of the Game

The budget stalemate back in the spring, the summer debt ceiling debacle, the recent failure of the “super committee,” and the near paralysis over extending the payroll tax cut the are all symptoms of a broken governing system. The non-partisan Peterson-Pew Commission on Budget Reform recently issued a series of recommendations on how to beginRead… Read more »

Energy: Who Bought It & What We Paid

The two EIA graphs above tell a good-news/bad-news tale. The good news? Industrial and transportation energy costs have gone down significantly lately. The bad news? Residential and commercial costs haven’t, and those two of the sectors that have grown the most, by consumption, since 1960. Thanks to the EIA for the visuals! Original post