
TSP Talk – Santa Claus Rally Shows Up

Stocks spent the week in a steady, low volume, holiday rally. For the TSP, the C-fund gained 3.80% on the week, the S-fund was up 3.48%, the I-fund added 2.27%, while the F-fund (bonds) lost 0.62%, and the G-fund was up 0.03%. For the month, the C-fund is now up 1.63% in December, the S-fundRead… Read more »

Sen. Harkin asks for investigation into Nikki Haley on health insurance exchange

Governor Nicki Haley of South Carolina is in hot water over emails deleted by her office. The Charleston Post and Courier uncovered the deleted emails after asking for emails from both her office and the state Department of Health and Human Services. The emails returned from the Department showed responses from the Governor which hadRead… Read more »

Medical Insurance Help Please

I was just sitting here thinking, with all the uproar about health care, why is it not possible for grown children to put their parents on their health insurance, even if they get SSI or SS parents put children until age of 18 on health insurance. Wouldn’t that help some, or maybe get something calledRead… Read more »

Seven states split third round of Race to the Top funds

Deltek Sr. Analyst Kyle Ridley reports. Today, the Department of Education (DOE) awarded federal Race to the Top (RTTT) funds to the tune of $200 million split among seven states. This is the third round of awards for the $4 billion program aimed at revitalizing America’s K-12 education system through reform and innovation. The latestRead… Read more »

Intelligently Adapt with CloudShield

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