Dublin launches integrated ticketing
Irish officials launched the Leap smart card yesterday, allowing Dublin commuters to ride buses, trams, and trains on a single ticket. Original post
Irish officials launched the Leap smart card yesterday, allowing Dublin commuters to ride buses, trams, and trains on a single ticket. Original post
Customers on The Tide, Hampton Roads Transit’s (VA) new light-rail service, are learning an expensive lesson. Pay the $1.50 fare or face a $150 fine. Original post
Peer-to-peer car-sharing service Getaround is coming to Portland (OR) in February, funded in part with a $1.7 million federal grant. Original post
Http://LeonardSipes.Com I start getting concerned when I watch national news and the reporter cites Twitter messages as evidence of public sentiment. It’s equally interesting when professional friends express dismay when Twitter starts slamming their agencies. The report below from the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism analyses social media coverage of the 2011Read… Read more »
Search the Weekly Spark Browse Issue By Date The Weekly Spark often includes information that may interest military members and members of and their families. This newsletter occasionally also suggests passing a copy along to a friend. Accordingly, I try to comply. Please consider doing the same. (mike moldeven, private citizen) ~~~~~~~~ The Weekly SparkRead… Read more »
How many times have you clicked a box to add your name to one of those “Make the world a better place. Sign our petition now” email links? Congratulations. You are a lobbyist. Have you ever accepted one whose purpose was to eliminate lobbyists? Congratulations. You are confused. It’s become fashionable to gripe about lobbyingRead… Read more »
Originally posted at opensource.com. The theme that emerged from the first CityCamp Honolulu, held on December 3 (the 17th CityCamp held worldwide), was restoring citizen confidence in their government. In a very collaborative and participatory atmosphere, organizers looked to citizens to generate ideas for the City of Honolulu’s upcoming Code for America project and toRead… Read more »
I stumbled across an interesting perspective this morning – one that argues perhaps we are “over thinking” the notion of a social enterprise. “How different I wondered was the social capital I build up when I share a Word problem work-around on the company social network from when I lend my neighbor the proverbial cupRead… Read more »
The EV was on display at the GOVgreen’s Ride & Drive. Read more about the partnership and vehicle here. Original post
Metro Magazine asked selected transit operators in university towns how they prepare their alternative-fuel and hybrid vehicles for winter. Original post