
Why We Need More Lobbyists

How many times have you clicked a box to add your name to one of those “Make the world a better place. Sign our petition now” email links? Congratulations. You are a lobbyist. Have you ever accepted one whose purpose was to eliminate lobbyists? Congratulations. You are confused. It’s become fashionable to gripe about lobbyingRead… Read more »

CityCamp Honolulu recap: Restoring trust in government

Originally posted at opensource.com. The theme that emerged from the first CityCamp Honolulu, held on December 3 (the 17th CityCamp held worldwide), was restoring citizen confidence in their government. In a very collaborative and participatory atmosphere, organizers looked to citizens to generate ideas for the City of Honolulu’s upcoming Code for America project and toRead… Read more »

Mergers, executive privilege, earmarks and elections, and more political law links

FIRMS MERGE. Roll Call. “Duane Morris Government Affairs has scooped up GSP Consulting Corp. The combined shop, which will be called Duane Morris Government Strategies, is part of an effort to expand in the nation’s capital and in state capitals such as Harrisburg, Pa.” PRESIDENTIAL FUNDRAISING. BusinessWeek. “President Barack Obama, who has been characterized asRead… Read more »

CityCamp is Seriously Local

Last Saturday, CityCamp Honolulu packed the student center at the University of Hawaii. The one-day event brought together nearly 150 locals to discuss and plan for updating the interface for Honolulu’s city services. Forest Frizzell, director of the City’s department of information technology and Burt Lum, a local activist and the man behind ByteMarks Cafe,Read… Read more »

How the Federal Government is Slowly Embracing Mobile by AlexOlesker

Mobile computing, primarily smartphones and tablets, is one of the most disruptive technologies today. Increasingly sophisticated portable personal computers are providing unprecedented opportunities to work from anywhere and access solutions wherever and whenever they are needed, leading to great productivity gains. Yet mobile computing in the enterprise also brings security risks by introducing many newRead… Read more »