
DOD confirms US Army Civilian Force Reduction – MetroDCites affected

The 2012 Presidential Budget requires the US Army to reduce civilian employees to comply with funding decrease demands. The Department of Army announced today it is moving forward with plans to reduce the size of its civilian employee workforce. The intended 8,700 civilian employee reduction will be completed by 30 September 2012. According to theRead… Read more »

Two worlds, not quite yet colliding

I went to two events yesterday. The first was the launch of the Government Digital Service, or rather a housewarming party for their shiny new offices. In fine agile tradition, they put on a slick show and tell with short sharp presentations about their work and achievements topped and tailed by Francis Maude, Mike BrackenRead… Read more »

Emergency 2.0 Wiki is Now LIVE!!

Today is a big day for social media and emergency management: The Emergency 2.0 Wiki is now live! For those already in the know about #SMEM and its rather large following this is great news. For those of you that have no idea what ‘m talking about, let me fill you in: #SMEM is theRead… Read more »

Measuring Unemployment: Bad News, Good News, and When to Know the Difference

On the surface, the drop in the civilian unemployment rate to 8.6 percent signals an important and positive breakthrough. Data provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louisshows that since the most recent recession “officially” ended in June 2009, there has been an uneven, but steady downward trend in the unemployment rate. Figure 1Read… Read more »

GBE101: Grant (Sponsored Project) Funding, part 1 of 14

Welcome to this ongoing series on grants and/or sponsored funding. This series is designed for businesses with a highlighted Metro DCite focus from the Government Business Examiner for Washington DC. An additional series is being shared on the National Writing Examiner, with a suite of sister data relative to authors, educators, writer community organizations, andRead… Read more »