
Emergency 2.0 Gets A Wiki: #SMEM Goes To Work December 8

For those already in the know about #SMEM and its rather large following this is great news. For those of you that have no idea what ‘m talking about, let me fill you in: #SMEM is the twitter hash tag that a great deal of emergency management professionals are using to track conversations and connectRead… Read more »

IAP2 USA Launches Monthly Practitioner Calls

A quick advertisement this morning. This is exactly the kind of stuff I was hoping to work on when I signed up to be a member of the Board last year: Monthly Practitioner Call Kick-Off: December 5, 2011 As part of our 2012 goals around community of practice, we’re launching a monthly practitioner call —Read… Read more »

And the 2011 Graduate Public Service Scholarship Winners Are…

It seems as if every story about government lately involves the budget in some capacity. Elected officials and government employees are tasked with the difficult process of creating solutions in the face of financial restrictions, and with budgets getting smaller and smaller, this task sometimes seems impossible. At GovLoop, we’re a bit more optimistic aboutRead… Read more »

Federal Coach: What It’s Like to Run the TSA

John S. Pistole, administrator of the Transportation Security Administration since July 2010, oversees the management of a workforce of 60,000; security operations at more than 450 U.S. airports; the Federal Air Marshal Service; and the security of highways, railroads, ports, mass transit systems and pipelines. As a national security and counterterrorism expert during his 26-yearRead… Read more »

Towards a More Agile Government: The Case for Rebooting Federal IT Procurement

Like many government computer systems, the U.S. federal information technology (IT) procurement model is slow, outdated, and long overdue for a reboot. 1 As the largest single purchaser of code, 2 in fiscal year (FY) 2010 the Federal Government spent more than $77.1 billion on IT procurement, and that number is projected to grow higherRead… Read more »

Hack day produces prototype mobile app for enhanced learning

Thanks to all who attended Developing Solutions Camp on Friday. We had an exciting day of interactive working with about 50 people in the room and 6 teams working on ideas that had been submitted under the first phase of the competition. Congratulations to the winners of the mobile application competition; the team who workedRead… Read more »