
Is the Federal Government Helping to Bust Unions?

http://www.inthesetimes.com/article/12322/ IAM Local 778 members picket outside the federally-owned Honeywell facility on October 10, 2011, in Kansas City, Mo. (Photo by IAM Local 778) Web Only// Features » November 20, 2011 Is the Federal Government Helping to Bust Unions? Defense contractor Honeywell pushed concessions onto striking workers—and unions say Washington supported the company behind theRead… Read more »

Thankful For You

It’s Thanksgiving in the USA today. So here’s something I’m thankful for. Those of you who strive for competence, instead of just a title. Those of you who value real knowledge and wisdom, instead of a piece of paper. I know you are someone who values competence and the ability to add real value, becauseRead… Read more »

Thanksgiving, the U.S. Constitution, and American Ignorance

Thursday is Thanksgiving Day, but the first federal Thanksgiving Day Proclamation wasn’t about Pilgrims, or a difficult winter, or a civil war. It was about the United States Constitution. And this is a good time to read it. Read More … http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/9178217/thanksgiving_the_us_constitution_and.html?image=2079499&cat=9

Thanksgiving Wishes….

A Thanksgiving Message… We all have many different types of responsibilities. Our common bond is caring about what happens to others. Thanksgiving is a very appropriate time to say “thank you” for all you do to support those with mental illness, substance use, and ID/DD conditions. On behalf of those who benefit from your generosityRead… Read more »

Thanksgiving 2011

Head over to USA.gov for a vitual cornucopia of information about Thanksgiving on their Thanksgiving page. You’ll find everything you need for a safe, happy, and delicious holiday including: Air Travel Status and TSA Air Travel Tips Food for the Holidays and Recipes from and for Americans November Is American Indian Heritage Month Out-of-This-World ThanksgivingRead… Read more »

Need a Job? Three Steps to Take Now

The fact that millions of Americans are unemployed or underemployed is not news. Although we seem to be engaged in Einstein’s infamous trap of ‘doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.’ Policy makers are debating how to entice businesses into hiring more people and the unemployed are angry and frustrated overRead… Read more »

North (Dakota) toward Home: Designing Diversity – an Integrative Incubator for “Individual Creativity” and “Interactive Community”

Confession time: I owe North Dakota an apology. About six months ago, in light of the economic pressures on government employees, budget cuts and downsizings, further calls for their jobs or at least slashing their pensions, I wrote a satirical “Shrink Rap” ditty called “The Reorg Rag.” It started: It can’t happen here, I haveRead… Read more »